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Revision: 37902
at December 20, 2010 05:39 by nomada

Initial Code

  @param objSelect an object returned by document.getElementById('myselect') or your favourite library function.
  @param arrDatos is an array or an array of arrays.
  @param numCurOption is the key of the option we need to be SELECTED.
  @param boolEmpty should be true if we need a first element without value and label.
function array2select(objSelect, arrDatos, numCurOption, boolEmpty) {
	var elOptNew;
	objSelect.length = 0;
	if(boolEmpty) {
		elOptNew = document.createElement('option');
		elOptNew.value = elOptNew.text = '';
		addOption(objSelect, elOptNew);
	for(var id in arrDatos) {
		if(typeof(arrDatos[id]) == 'object') {
			var arrResultado = arrDatos[id];
			var strValue = arrResultado.ID;
			var strText = arrResultado.LABEL;			
		} else {
			var strValue = id;
			var strText = arrDatos[id];
		elOptNew = document.createElement('option');
		if(numCurOption == strValue) {
			elOptNew.selected = true;
		elOptNew.value = strValue;
		elOptNew.text = strText;
		addOption(objSelect, elOptNew);

Initial URL

Initial Description
This function automates the creation of the <OPTION>s of a <SELECT> element. It's ideal for your AJAX apps when you create display elements using Javascript

It accepts to different kind of arrays:

An array of key:values…

var arrDirs = {
				"a1":"Sede central",

An array of arrays, where each of the child arrays have the sintax 'ID': value, 'LABEL': text…

var arrDirs = {
				"0":{"ID":"a1","LABEL":"Sede central"},

Note that the ID part can be a number or an string.

Initial Title
Array to SELECT

Initial Tags
javascript, object, array

Initial Language