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Revision: 37718
at December 15, 2010 23:36 by vitorbari

Initial Code
 * @param String $data 'yyyy-mm-dd' the base date
 * @param Int $nmonth number of months to add
 * @param String $format The output format
 * @return String
function incrementsMonth($data, $nmonth = 1 , $format = 'Y-m-d')
	$timeStampAddMonth = strtotime( " + $nmonth month " , strtotime( $data ) );
	$vetorData = explode('-',$data);
	$timeStampNovoMes =  strtotime( date('Y-m-t', strtotime( " + $nmonth month " ,   mktime( 0,0,0,$vetorData[1],1,$vetorData[0] ))));
	return ($timeStampAddMonth > $timeStampNovoMes) ? date($format, $timeStampNovoMes) : date($format, $timeStampAddMonth) ;

Initial URL

Initial Description
Use this function if you need to get the same day in the next month (or how many you need).
Using defaults functions of php you got this:
echo date('Y-m-d', strtotime( " + 1 month " ,  strtotime('2010-01-31')));  (Output: '2010-03-03')

and if you use the function 'incrementsMonth', you got :
echo incrementsMonth('2010-01-31');  (Output: '2010-02-28')

Initial Title
Increment Month

Initial Tags
php, date

Initial Language