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Revision: 36883
at November 29, 2010 12:09 by trusktr

Updated Code
            mov        di, 0                ;starting at array position 0
            mov        bl, 1                ;reseed based on time
            call    reseed
            mov        bh, -1                ;set putdec format
                call    random
                mov        [int_arr+di], ax    ;put random int into array position DI
                mov        ax, [int_arr+di]
                call    putdec$
            inc        di
            cmp        di, 100
            jb        populate

Revision: 36882
at November 29, 2010 12:08 by trusktr

Initial Code
mov        di, 0                ;starting at array position 0
            mov        bl, 1                ;reseed based on time
            call    reseed
            mov        bh, -1                ;set putdec format
                call    random
                mov        [int_arr+di], ax    ;put random int into array position DI
                mov        ax, [int_arr+di]
                call    putdec$
            inc        di
            cmp        di, 100
            jb        populate

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
array with random ints

Initial Tags

Initial Language