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Revision: 36676
at November 24, 2010 23:18 by wildpeaks

Updated Code
 * Pin 1: Standard  non-sticky autogenerated infobox.
var pin1 = map.AddPushpin(
	new Microsoft.Maps.Location(50, 0),
		text: '1',

		// Standard infobox settings
		title: 'Standard (non-sticky) infobox',
		description: 'This infobox has been generated using both the <b>title</b> and the <b>description</b> options and is styled by CSS.'

 * Pin 2: Custom infobox.
var pin2 = map.AddPushpin(
	new Microsoft.Maps.Location(25, 0),
		text: '2',
		sticky: true,

		// Custom infobox
		infobox: $('<span>Sticky and custom infobox using arbitrary HTML code</span>')

 * Pin 3: Custom infobox where a part of the contents use an anonymous event handler.
var custom_contents =  $('<div>Custom infobox with jQuery event listeners on some of its children: only the button triggers the event listener, not the rest of the infobox contents.</div>');
$('<button>This button has an anonymous event handler</button>')
 .click(function(){ alert('The button was clicked'); })

var pin3 = map.AddPushpin(
	new Microsoft.Maps.Location(0, 0),
		text: '3',
		sticky: true,

		// Custom infobox
		infobox: custom_contents

 * Pin 4: Sticky infobox whose contents are loaded via ajax using .load()
var pin4 = map.AddPushpin(
	new Microsoft.Maps.Location(-30, 0),
		text: '4',
		sticky: true,

		// Custom infobox
		infobox: $('<span>Loading contents...</span>').load('ajax.txt')

 * Pin 5 & 6: Custom infobox with shared event handlers yet with each a reference
 * to the Pushpin the event comes from, and the Map in which it is contained.

// Event handlers shared by Pin 5 and Pin 6
function onzoom(e){{
		animate: true,
function onclose(e){;

// Pin 5: the Pushpin object
var pin5 = map.AddPushpin(
	new Microsoft.Maps.Location(45, 90),
		text: '5',
		sticky: true,
		infobox: $('<div>Pin 5: uses the same event handler as Pin 6<hr/></div>')

// Pin 5: Zoom button
$('<button>Center to this location</button>')
	 {'Pushpin': pin5, 'Map': map},

// Pin 5: Close button
$('<button>Close this infobox</button>')
	 {'Pushpin': pin5},

// Pin 6: the Pushpin object
var pin6 = map.AddPushpin(
	new Microsoft.Maps.Location(5, 90),
		text: '6',
		sticky: true,
		infobox: $('<div>Pin 6: uses the same event handler as Pin 5<hr/></div>')

// Pin 6: Zoom button
$('<button>Center to this location</button>')
	 {'Pushpin': pin6, 'Map': map},
// Pin 6: Close button
$('<button>Close this infobox</button>')
	 {'Pushpin': pin6},

Revision: 36675
at November 24, 2010 23:17 by wildpeaks

Updated Code
 * Pin 1: Standard  non-sticky autogenerated infobox.
var pin1 = map.AddPushpin(
	new Microsoft.Maps.Location(50, 0),
		text: '1',

		// Standard infobox settings
		title: 'Standard (non-sticky) infobox',
		description: 'This infobox has been generated using both the <b>title</b> and the <b>description</b> options and is styled by CSS.'

 * Pin 2: Custom infobox.
var pin2 = map.AddPushpin(
	new Microsoft.Maps.Location(25, 0),
		text: '2',
		sticky: true,

		// Custom infobox
		infobox: $('<span>Sticky and custom infobox using arbitrary HTML code</span>')

 * Pin 3: Custom infobox where a part of the contents use an anonymous event handler.
var custom_contents =  $('<div>Custom infobox with jQuery event listeners on some of its children: only the button triggers the event listener, not the rest of the infobox contents.</div>');
$('<button>This button has an anonymous event handler</button>')
 .click(function(){ alert('The button was clicked'); })

var pin3 = map.AddPushpin(
	new Microsoft.Maps.Location(0, 0),
		text: '3',
		sticky: true,

		// Custom infobox
		infobox: custom_contents

 * Pin 4: Sticky infobox whose contents are loaded via ajax using .load()
var pin4 = map.AddPushpin(
	new Microsoft.Maps.Location(-30, 0),
		text: '4',
		sticky: true,

		// Custom infobox
		infobox: $('<span>Loading contents...</span>').load('ajax.txt')

 * Pin 5 & 6: Custom infobox with shared event handlers yet with each a reference to the Pushpin the event comes from, and the Map in which it is contained.

// Event handlers shared by Pin 5 and Pin 6
function onzoom(e){{
		animate: true,
function onclose(e){;

// Pin 5: the Pushpin object
var pin5 = map.AddPushpin(
	new Microsoft.Maps.Location(45, 90),
		text: '5',
		sticky: true,
		infobox: $('<div>Pin 5: uses the same event handler as Pin 6<hr/></div>')

// Pin 5: Zoom button
$('<button>Center to this location</button>')
	 {'Pushpin': pin5, 'Map': map},

// Pin 5: Close button
$('<button>Close this infobox</button>')
	 {'Pushpin': pin5},

// Pin 6: the Pushpin object
var pin6 = map.AddPushpin(
	new Microsoft.Maps.Location(5, 90),
		text: '6',
		sticky: true,
		infobox: $('<div>Pin 6: uses the same event handler as Pin 5<hr/></div>')

// Pin 6: Zoom button
$('<button>Center to this location</button>')
	 {'Pushpin': pin6, 'Map': map},
// Pin 6: Close button
$('<button>Close this infobox</button>')
	 {'Pushpin': pin6},

Revision: 36674
at November 24, 2010 20:28 by wildpeaks

Initial Code
 * Pin 1: Standard autogenerated infobox
var pin1 = map.AddPushpin(
	new Microsoft.Maps.Location(50, 0),
		text: '1',

		// Standard infobox settings
		title: 'Standard (non-sticky) infobox',
		description: 'This infobox has been generated using both the <b>title</b> and the <b>description</b> options and is styled by CSS.'

 * Pin 2: Custom infobox
var pin2 = map.AddPushpin(
	new Microsoft.Maps.Location(25, 0),
		text: '2',
		sticky: true,

		// Custom infobox
		infobox: $('<span>Sticky and custom infobox using arbitrary HTML code</span>')

 * Pin 3: Custom infobox where a part of the contents use an anonymous event handler
var custom_contents =  $('<div>Custom infobox with custom event listeners on its children. Only the button triggers the event listener, not the rest of the custom infobox.</div>');
$('<button>This button has an anonymous event handler</button>')
 .click(function(){ alert('The button was clicked'); })

var pin3 = map.AddPushpin(
	new Microsoft.Maps.Location(0, 0),
		text: '3',
		sticky: true,

		// Custom infobox
		infobox: custom_contents

 * Pin 4: Sticky infobox whose contents are loaded via ajax using .load()
var pin4 = map.AddPushpin(
	new Microsoft.Maps.Location(-30, 0),
		text: '4',
		sticky: true,

		// Custom infobox
		infobox: $('<span>Loading contents...</span>').load('ajax.txt')

Initial URL

Initial Description
**Important: this snipplet has moved to Github.**

 - [Infoboxes for Bing Maps AJAX 7.0 (standard, custom, ajax and sticky)](

Initial Title
Infoboxes in Bing Maps v7 (standard, custom, ajax and sticky)

Initial Tags

Initial Language