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Revision: 4541
at January 3, 2008 12:33 by chrisaiv

Initial Code
Initialize Variables
var tf:TextField = new TextField();
	tf.width = stage.stageWidth;
	tf.height = stage.stageHeight;
var wordList:Array = new Array();

var textLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    textLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, textLoaded);

var cssLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var css:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();

Parse Text + Apply External CSS
function cssLoaded(e:Event):void{
	tf.styleSheet = css;
	for(var i:int = 0; i < wordList.length; i++){
		tf.htmlText += "<h4>" + wordList[i] + "</h4>";
function textLoaded(e:Event):void{
	wordList ="\n");
	cssLoader.load(new URLRequest(""));	
	cssLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, cssLoaded);

textLoader.load(new URLRequest(""));

Initial URL

Initial Description
Here is an intermediate example of how to load an external .txt file and apply an external .css

Initial Title
AS3: Load external .txt and .css

Initial Tags

Initial Language
ActionScript 3