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Revision: 36027
at November 16, 2010 20:42 by picxelplay

Initial Code
* Implementation of HOOK_theme().
function THEMENAME_theme() {
return array(
'comment_form' => array(                       
      'arguments' => array('form' => NULL),

// theme the comment form
function THEMENAME_comment_form($form) {
  // Make the text-area smaller.
  $form['comment_filter']['comment']['#rows']   = 5;
  // Change the text-area title
  $form['comment_filter']['comment']['#title']  = t('Your message');
  // Remove input formats information.
  $form['comment_filter']['format'] = NULL;
  // Removes homepage field
  // Removes preview button
  return drupal_render($form);

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Drupal alter comment form

Initial Tags
forms, drupal

Initial Language