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Revision: 35198
at November 4, 2010 01:50 by JonnySnip3r

Initial Code
public function search($string)
		if(strlen($string) > 40)
			return "Woow too many words, please shorten your search.";
			return "I'm a search, you type things in and I find. Please enter something and try again!";
		if(strlen($string) <= 3)
			return "Come on dude, you expect me to find summin with that? Type some more tags in!";
		// Teh string could be multiple searches so explode::
		$string = explode(" ", $string);
		foreach($string as $search)
			if($x == 1)
				@$sql .= "(blog_tags LIKE '%$search%')";
				@$sql .= " OR (blog_tags LIKE '%$search%')";
		$sql = "SELECT blog_tags FROM subarc_blog WHERE $sql LIMIT 40";
		// TODO:: Count how many search results found::
		$stmt = $this->conn->prepare($sql);
		$meta = $stmt->result_metadata();
		while($field = $meta->fetch_field())
			$var = $field->name;
			$$var = null;
			$params[$var] = &$var;
			return $params;

Initial URL

Initial Description
Im pretty new to oop php i have tried to create a php search function but im sure this needs alot of improvement. So add on :D

Initial Title
php Prepared Statement Search (Needs Improvement)

Initial Tags
php, search, function

Initial Language