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Revision: 475
at July 15, 2006 03:44 by cetnar

Initial Code
public void testSwitchStatement(PrintStream out) throws IOException {

     StringBuffer outputText = new StringBuffer(student1.getFullName( ));


     switch (student1.getGrade( )) {

       case A:

         outputText.append(" excelled with a grade of A");


       case B: // fall through to C

       case C:

         outputText.append(" passed with a grade of ")

                    .append(student1.getGrade( ).toString( ));


       case D: // fall through to F

       case F:

         outputText.append(" failed with a grade of ")

                    .append(student1.getGrade( ).toString( ));


       case INCOMPLETE:

         outputText.append(" did not complete the class.");




     out.println(outputText.toString( ));


Initial URL

Initial Description
- Tiger simply requires that you not preface each enumerated type with the enum class name
- if not handling every enumerated type - warining will be displayed that not all of enum values not being compile time constants

Initial Title
Switching on enums

Initial Tags

Initial Language