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Revision: 34716
at October 27, 2010 17:25 by madr

Updated Code
light-weight click listener, v 1.0
Copyright (c) 2010 by madr <>
Licensed under the MIT license:
Alter the below snippet for your needs and put the modified snippet in a js-file or a <script> and add it to your document. If your webapp depends on libraries or other resources to load, you better keep that in mind.
(function(document, undefined) {
    function investigate(elm){
        Change the content of this function
        to suit your web application.

        EXAMPLE 0: do nothing until jQuery (or other libraries) is loaded.
        if (typeof window.jQuery == 'undefined') { return false; }
        EXAMPLE 1: look for element type
        if (elm.nodeName == 'A') {
            // do stuff ...
            return true;
        EXAMPLE 2: look for id or other property
        if ( == 'modal-window-opener') {
            // do stuff ...
            return true;
        EXAMPLE 3: sniffing a classname
        if (elm.className.match(/read-more/)) {
            // do stuff ...
            return true;
        return false; // default
    function clicklistener(evt){
        var event = evt || window.event,
            elm = || window.srcElement,
            magic_did_happen = investigate(elm);
        if (magic_did_happen) {
            if (window.event) { window.eventReturnValue = false; } 
            else { evt.preventDefault(); }

            return false;
    if (document.attachEvent) { 
        document.attachEvent('onclick', clicklistener); 
    } else {
        document.addEventListener('click', clicklistener, false); 

Revision: 34715
at October 27, 2010 17:13 by madr

Initial Code
// light-weight click listener, v 1.0
// Copyright (c) 2010 by madr <>
// Mit license style.
(function(document, undefined) {
    function investigate(elm){
        Change the content of this function
        to suit your web application.
        EXAMPLE 1: look for element type
        if (elm.nodeName == 'A') {
            // do stuff ...
            return true;
        EXAMPLE 2: look for id or other property
        if ( == 'modal-window-opener') {
            // do stuff ...
            return true;
        EXAMPLE 3: sniffing a classname
        if (elm.className.match(/read-more/)) {
            // do stuff ...
            return true;
        return false; // default
    function clicklistener(evt){
        var event = evt || window.event,
            elm = || window.srcElement,
            magic_did_happen = investigate(elm);
        if (magic_did_happen) {
            if (window.event) { window.eventReturnValue = false; } 
            else { evt.preventDefault(); }

            return false;
    if (document.attachEvent) { 
        document.attachEvent('onclick', clicklistener); 
    } else {
        document.addEventListener('click', clicklistener, false); 

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
click listener and click event delegation function, library independent

Initial Tags

Initial Language