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Revision: 34568
at October 25, 2010 17:05 by bullzito

Initial Code
<script type="text/javascript">
        // # of images
        var imgCount = 4;
        // image directory
        var dir = '';
        // random the images
        var randomCount = Math.round(Math.random() * (imgCount - 1)) + 1;
        // array of images & file name
        var images = new Array
                images[1] = "1.jpg",
                images[2] = "2.jpg",
                images[3] = "3.jpg",
                images[4] = "4.jpg"; = "url(" + dir + images[randomCount] + ")";

Initial URL

Initial Description
Place this script inside your &lt;BODY&gt; tag. Make sure to change the number of images, image directory and the file names in the array.

Initial Title
Random Background Image

Initial Tags

Initial Language