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Revision: 34462
at October 22, 2010 21:24 by jonjoneshomegmailcom

Initial Code
/// <summary>
        /// Gets the current category and stage.
        /// </summary>
        public bool GetCurrentCategoryAndStage(
            out Category category,
            out Stage stage)
            category = null;
            stage = null;
            var result = Request.QueryString[WebConstants.CatagoryNavigatorQueryStringKey];

            // When no options are specified use the defaults
            // which are the first category and first stage
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
                category = (ReferenceData.Categories != null && ReferenceData.Categories.Length > 0) 
                    ? ReferenceData.Categories[0] : null;
                stage = (category != null && category.Stages != null && category.Stages.Length > 0) 
                    ? category.Stages[0] : null;

                // Success when all values have been set
                return category != null && stage != null;

            var options = result.Split(new[] { WebConstants.CategoryNavigatorSeparator }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            // Format of querystring value should be {0}:{1} or to be more accurate
            // {0}[Separator]{1}
            if (options.Length < 2)
                return false;

            // Here are the Id in hash form
            int categoryIdQueryStringEntry;
            int stageIdQueryStringEntry;

            if (!int.TryParse(options[0], out categoryIdQueryStringEntry) || !int.TryParse(options[1], out stageIdQueryStringEntry))
                return false;

            // Now there are all the required elements to get 
            // the category and stage its time to return them
            // to the client
            category = ReferenceData.Categories
                .Where(x => ConvertToQueryStringEntry(x.Id) == categoryIdQueryStringEntry)

            if (category == null)
                return false;

            stage = category.Stages
                .Where(x => ConvertToQueryStringEntry(x.Id) == stageIdQueryStringEntry)

            if(stage == null)
                return false;

            return true;
        }out on a method

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