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Revision: 4338
at November 28, 2007 19:19 by engel

Initial Code

// TODO:		Enter some task that needs to be done.
// FIXME:		Enter some bug that needs to be fixed.
// FIXME(BugNumber):	Reference a bug number for FIXME.
// CHANGED:		Once finished with TODO, replacement with CHANGED is recommended.
// NOTE:		Enter a simple note.
// OPTIMIZE:		A TODO specifically for optimization notes.
// IMPROVE:		A TODO specifically for improvement notes.

// Examples:

// TODO: Add in a update script.
// FIXME: Bug in update script (cannot download new file).
// FIXME(81239): Bug in update script (cannot download new file).
// CHANGED: Added update script.
// NOTE: The update script is still a bit buggy.
// OPTIMIZE: Update download speed.
// IMPROVE: Make the UI a bit better for update script.


Initial URL

Initial Description
Here are some commonly-used notes given in PHP sources, especially in multi-developer projects. They are used to note various things, such as things to improve and bugs at that line.

Initial Title
Programming Notes

Initial Tags

Initial Language