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Revision: 33472
at October 9, 2010 01:14 by yasbas

Initial Code
{let attribute=$node.data_map.sidebar_boxes}

  {section show=$attribute.content.relation_list}
    {section var=Relations loop=$attribute.content.relation_list sequence=array( bglight, bgdark )}
      {section show=$Relations.item.in_trash|not()}
          {let object=fetch( content, object, hash( object_id, $Relations.item.contentobject_id ) )}<br />

            {section show=$object.main_node_id|null|not}


            <div class="image">{attribute_view_gui attribute=$object.current.data_map.media_library_object.content.contentobject_attributes.2}</div>


    {'There are no related objects.'|i18n( 'design/standard/content/datatype' )}


Initial URL


Initial Description
The sidebar_box is an object of type relations object.

Initial Title
Extract content objects from relations object in an  EZ Publish template

Initial Tags

Initial Language
eZ Publish