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Revision: 33339
at October 8, 2010 01:28 by kennonb

Updated Code
//Only needed for Webkit Browsers

if ($.browser.webkit) {
  $(document).keypress(function(event) {

    // ALT + H in case there is other text entry on the page
    if (event.charCode == 729) {
      window.location = $('a[accesskey=h]').attr('href');

    console.log(event.charCode); //Log the key code

Revision: 33338
at October 8, 2010 01:28 by kennonb

Updated Code
//Only needed for Webkit Browsers

if ($.browser.webkit) {
  $(document).keypress(function(event) {

    // ALT + H in case there is other text entry on the page
    if (event.charCode == 729) {
      window.location = $('a[accesskey=h]').attr('href');

    console.log(event.charCode); //Log the key code

Revision: 33337
at October 8, 2010 01:25 by kennonb

Updated Code
//Only needed for Webkit Browsers

if ($.browser.webkit) {
  $(document).keypress(function(event) {

    // ALT + H in case there is other text entry on the page
    if (event.charCode == 729) {
      window.location = $('a[accesskey=h]').attr('href');


Revision: 33336
at October 8, 2010 01:07 by kennonb

Initial Code
$(document).keyup(function(event) {
	if (event.keyCode == 104) {
		window.location = $('a[accesskey=h]').attr('href');

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
jQuery Accessible Keys

Initial Tags

Initial Language