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Revision: 33086
at July 6, 2011 06:06 by heathbo

Updated Code
// Add Content
var someMc:String = "this_mc";
var newClass = getDefinitionByName(someMc);
var mcAdded= new newClass ();

//  Use Content
var someString:String = "mcAdded";
var selectedInstance = getChildByName( someString);

selectedInstance.x = 210;

// In the MovieClip properties, set it to export for ActionScript and give it a class name.

//In your code.
var MC = new yourMCclassName();

Revision: 33085
at October 6, 2010 01:55 by heathbo

Initial Code
// Add Content
var someMc:String = "this_mc";
var newClass = getDefinitionByName(someMc);
var mcAdded= new newClass ();

//  Use Content
var someString:String = "mcAdded";
var selectedInstance = getChildByName( someString);

selectedInstance.x = 210;

Initial URL

Initial Description
Add content to stage from Library through code and use the content.

Initial Title
Load content from library onto stage

Initial Tags

Initial Language
ActionScript 3