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Revision: 32856
at November 8, 2010 21:50 by duncanmcdougall

Updated Code
public static string[] SuffixLookup = { "th","st","nd","rd","th","th","th","th","th","th" };

public static string AppendOrdinalSuffix(int number)
  if (number % 100 >= 11 && number % 100 <= 13)
    return number + "th";
  return number + SuffixLookup[number% 10];

Revision: 32855
at November 8, 2010 21:47 by duncanmcdougall

Updated Code
public static string[] SuffixLookup = { "th","st","nd","rd","th","th","th","th","th","th" };

public static string AppendOrdinalSuffix(int number)
  if (number % 100 >= 11 && number % 100 <= 13)
    return number + "th"; return number + SuffixLookup[number% 10];

Revision: 32854
at October 3, 2010 07:37 by duncanmcdougall

Updated Code
public static string[] SuffixLookup = { "th","st","nd","rd","th","th","th","th","th","th" };

public static string AppendOrdinalSuffix(int number)
  if (day % 100 >= 11 && day % 100 <= 13)
    return day + "th"; return day + SuffixLookup[day % 10];

Revision: 32853
at October 3, 2010 07:36 by duncanmcdougall

Updated Code
public static string[] SuffixLookup = { "th","st","nd","rd","th","th","th","th","th","th" };

public static string AppendOrdinalSuffix(int day)
  if (day % 100 >= 11 && day % 100 <= 13)
    return day + "th"; return day + SuffixLookup[day % 10];

Revision: 32852
at October 3, 2010 07:36 by duncanmcdougall

Initial Code
public static string[] SuffixLookup = { "th","st","nd","rd","th","th","th","th","th","th" };  public static string AppendOrdinalSuffix(int day)
  if (day % 100 >= 11 && day % 100 <= 13)
    return day + "th"; return day + SuffixLookup[day % 10];

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Get Ordinal Suffix of a Number

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