Revision: 32671
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at October 1, 2010 17:25 by aamirrajpoot
Initial Code
<?php // Usage: // $flashString = $objFlahTags->makeFlashFriendlyStr($str); class flashTags { function rgb2hex($r, $g=-1, $b=-1) { if (is_array($r) && sizeof($r) == 3) list($r, $g, $b) = $r; $r = intval($r); $g = intval($g); $b = intval($b); $r = dechex($r < 0 ? 0 : ($r > 255 ? 255 : $r)); $g = dechex($g < 0 ? 0 : ($g > 255 ? 255 : $g)); $b = dechex($b < 0 ? 0 : ($b > 255 ? 255 : $b)); $color = (strlen($r) < 2 ? '0' : '') . $r; $color .= ( strlen($g) < 2 ? '0' : '') . $g; $color .= ( strlen($b) < 2 ? '0' : '') . $b; return '#' . $color; } function getAttribute($attrib, $tag) { //get attribute from html tag $re = '/' . $attrib . '=["\']?([^"\' ]*)["\' ]/is'; preg_match($re, $tag, $match); if ($match) $return = $match[1]; else $return = false; return $return; } function getReplacesArray($match0, $match1) { $replaceFrom = $match0; preg_match_all('/<span[^>]*>/i', $match0, $span_full, PREG_SET_ORDER); $span_elem = $span_full[0][0]; if (!preg_match_all('/"[^>]*"/i', $span_elem, $span_attrs, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { return array($match0, $match1); } $span_attrs = str_replace(array('"', ' '), '', $span_attrs[0][0]); $span_attrs_parts = explode(';', $span_attrs); $len = count($span_attrs_parts); $startTags = array(); $endTags = array(); for ($j = 0; $j < $len; $j++) { $single_attr = $span_attrs_parts[$j]; if (!empty($single_attr)) { if (strtolower($single_attr) == 'font-weight:bold') { $startTags[] = '<b>'; $endTags[] = '</b>'; } else if (strtolower($single_attr) == 'font-style:italic') { $startTags[] = '<i>'; $endTags[] = '</i>'; } else if (strtolower($single_attr) == 'text-decoration:underline') { $startTags[] = '<u>'; $endTags[] = '</u>'; } else if (stristr($single_attr, 'color:')) { $colorHex = str_ireplace('color:', '', $single_attr); if (stristr($colorHex, 'rgb(')) { $rgbVal = str_ireplace(array('rgb(', ')'), '', $colorHex); $rgbParts = explode(',', $rgbVal); $partR = $rgbParts[0]; $partG = isset($rgbParts[1]) ? $rgbParts[1] : -1; $partB = isset($rgbParts[2]) ? $rgbParts[2] : -1; $colorHex = $this->rgb2hex($partR, $partG, $partB); } $startTags[] = "<font color='$colorHex'>"; $endTags[] = "</font>"; } } } krsort($endTags); $startTags = implode('', $startTags); $endTags = implode('', $endTags); $replaceTo = $startTags . $match1 . $endTags; return array($replaceFrom, $replaceTo); } function getArrReplacesArray($matches) { $totalMatches = count($matches); $arrReplaceFrom = array(); $arrReplaceTo = array(); if ($totalMatches > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $totalMatches; $i++) { $match0 = $matches[$i][0]; $match1 = $matches[$i][1]; if (stristr($match1, '<span')) { preg_match_all('|<span[^>]+>(.*)<span|U', $match0, $matches2, PREG_SET_ORDER); $newStr = str_replace($matches2[0][0], '<span', $match0); preg_match_all('|<span[^>]+>(.*)</span>|U', $newStr, $matches3, PREG_SET_ORDER); list($replaceFrom, $replaceTo) = $this->getReplacesArray($matches3[0][0], $matches3[0][1]); } else list($replaceFrom, $replaceTo) = $this->getReplacesArray($match0, $match1); $arrReplaceFrom[] = $replaceFrom; $arrReplaceTo[] = $replaceTo; } } return array($arrReplaceFrom, $arrReplaceTo); } function replaceAllAnchorStyles($str) { preg_match_all('|<a[^>]+>(.*)</a>|U', $str, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); $totalMatches = count($matches); $arrReplaceFrom = array(); $arrReplaceTo = array(); if ($totalMatches) { for ($i = 0; $i < $totalMatches; $i++) { $match0 = $matches[$i][0]; preg_match_all('|style="(.*)"|U', $match0, $matches1, PREG_SET_ORDER); $href = $this->getAttribute('href', $match0); $target = $this->getAttribute('target', $match0); $title = $this->getAttribute('title', $match0); if (count($matches1)) { $match1 = $matches1[0][1]; $match1 = trim($match1); $match1 = str_replace(' ', '', $match1); $match1 = strtolower($match1); if ($match1) { $attrs_parts = explode(';', $match1); $len = count($attrs_parts); $startTag = "<u><a"; if ($href) $startTag .= " href='$href'"; if ($target) $startTag .= " target='$target'"; if ($title) $startTag .= " title='$title'"; $startTag .= ">"; $startTags = array($startTag); $endTags = array("</a></u>"); for ($j = 0; $j < $len; $j++) { $single_attr = $attrs_parts[$j]; if (!empty($single_attr)) { if (strtolower($single_attr) == 'font-weight:bold') { $startTags[] = '<b>'; $endTags[] = '</b>'; } else if (strtolower($single_attr) == 'font-style:italic') { $startTags[] = '<i>'; $endTags[] = '</i>'; } else if (strtolower($single_attr) == 'text-decoration:underline') { $startTags[] = '<u>'; $endTags[] = '</u>'; } else if (stristr($single_attr, 'color:')) { $colorHex = str_ireplace('color:', '', $single_attr); if (stristr($colorHex, 'rgb(')) { $rgbVal = str_ireplace(array('rgb(', ')'), '', $colorHex); $rgbParts = explode(',', $rgbVal); $partR = $rgbParts[0]; $partG = isset($rgbParts[1]) ? $rgbParts[1] : -1; $partB = isset($rgbParts[2]) ? $rgbParts[2] : -1; $colorHex = $this->rgb2hex($partR, $partG, $partB); } $startTags[] = "<font color='$colorHex'>"; $endTags[] = "</font>"; } } } krsort($endTags); $startTags = implode('', $startTags); $endTags = implode('', $endTags); $replaceTo = $startTags . $matches[$i][1] . $endTags; $arrReplaceFrom[] = $match0; $arrReplaceTo[] = $replaceTo; } } } } $str = str_ireplace($arrReplaceFrom, $arrReplaceTo, $str); return $str; } function makeFlashFriendlyStr($str) { $str = str_ireplace('<span>', '<span >', $str); $dummyBrText = '~d~u~m~m~y~b~r~'; $str_wo_br = preg_replace("/<br[^>]*>/is", $dummyBrText, $str); $str = $str_wo_br; do { preg_match_all('|<span[^>]+>(.*)</span>|U', $str, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); list($arrReplaceFrom, $arrReplaceTo) = $this->getArrReplacesArray($matches); $str = str_replace($arrReplaceFrom, $arrReplaceTo, $str); } while ($matches); $str = $this->replaceAllAnchorStyles($str); $str = str_replace(array($dummyBrText, '"'), array(PHP_EOL, '"'), $str); $str = "<TEXTFORMAT LEADING='0'><font face='Verdana' size='13'>$str</font></TEXTFORMAT>"; return $str; } } ?>
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This class is used to convert any WYSIWYG text to flash friendly text. Hope you people would like that.
Initial Title
WYSIWYG text to Flash Supported
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