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Revision: 32146
at September 19, 2010 16:57 by Meander365

Initial Code
(function() {
	var log = [], index = {}, first, last;
	// Accumulate seconds for the specified message.
	// Each message string has its own total seconds.
	function add( message, seconds ) {
		var i = index[message];
		if( i == null ) {
			i = log.length;
			index[message] = i;
			log[i] = { message:message, seconds:0 };
		log[i].seconds += seconds;
	profiler = function( message, since ) {
		var now = +new Date;
		add( message, ( now - ( since || last ) ) / 1000 );
		return last = +new Date;
	profiler.done = function( sel ) {
		profiler( 'total', first );
			$.map( log, function( item ) {
				return( item.seconds.toFixed(3) + ': ' + item.message + '<br />');
	first = last = +new Date;

Initial URL

Initial Description
Track how long code takes to load by using a cross browser profiler. Useage :

//your js

Initial Title
jQuery Profiler

Initial Tags

Initial Language