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Revision: 31436
at March 2, 2011 19:27 by theasta

Updated Code
abstract class myAbstractClass {

    //Properties must be protected
    protected $foo;

    abstract public function __construct();

    //Private methods can't be abstract; they must be either public or protected.
    abstract public function myfunction();

Revision: 31435
at September 5, 2010 02:13 by theasta

Updated Code
abstract class myAbstractClass {
	protected $foo; //Properties must be protected
	abstract public function __construct();
	abstract public function myfunction(); //Private methods can't be abstract; they must be either public or protected.

Revision: 31434
at September 5, 2010 02:12 by theasta

Initial Code
abstract class myAbstractClass {
	protected $foo; //Properties must be protected
	abstract public function __construct();
	abstract public function myfunction(); //Private methods can't be abstract; they must be either public or protected.

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Abstract PHP Class Starter

Initial Tags

Initial Language