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Revision: 30760
at August 21, 2010 01:58 by math89

Initial Code
function Rgb() {
     var red = returnHex(200);
     var green = returnHex(255);
     var blue = returnHex(155);
     var hex = "#" + red + green + blue;
// Convert to Hex
function returnHex(num) {
     // Hex can store 16 different values in 1 character
     if (num == null) return "00";
     num = num.length < 2 ? "0" + num : num
     return num.toString(16);

Initial URL

Initial Description
You have a RGB value and want to convert it into Hexadecimal mode, here’s how to do it using JavaScript.

Initial Title
Convert RGB to Hexadecimal using JavaScript

Initial Tags

Initial Language