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Revision: 30675
at August 19, 2010 04:15 by derrekwayne

Updated Code
package com.neonsunburst {
	public class Controller {
		var model:Model;
		public function Controller (aModel:Model)
			model= aModel;
			model.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, update);
			if (model.hasEventListener(Event.CHANGE)) { trace ("Event.CHANGE regestered in controller"); };


			public function forward() : void { // VIEW GESTURE IN
				if (model.getCurrentPage() == model.getTotalPages()) { model.setCurrentPage(1); }
				else { model.setCurrentPage(model.getCurrentPage() + 1 ); }
			public function backward() : void { // VIEW GESTURE IN
				if (model.getCurrentPage() == 1) { model.setCurrentPage( model.getTotalPages() ); }
				else { model.setCurrentPage( model.getCurrentPage() - 1 ); }

Revision: 30674
at August 19, 2010 04:12 by derrekwayne

Initial Code
package com.neonsunburst {
	public class Controller {
		var model:Model;
		public function Controller (aModel:Model)
			//model= new Model();
			model= aModel;
			model.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, update);
			if (model.hasEventListener(Event.CHANGE)) { trace ("Event.CHANGE regestered in controller"); };


			public function forward() : void { // VIEW GESTURE IN
				if (model.getCurrentPage() == model.getTotalPages()) { model.setCurrentPage(1); }
				else { model.setCurrentPage(model.getCurrentPage() + 1 ); }
			public function backward() : void { // VIEW GESTURE IN
				if (model.getCurrentPage() == 1) { model.setCurrentPage( model.getTotalPages() ); }
				else { model.setCurrentPage( model.getCurrentPage() - 1 ); }
			//// UPDATE FROM MODEL ////
			public function update(event:Event) : void {
				//trace (this + " model updated");

Initial URL

Initial Description
The Controller class handles user gestures through navigation logic and updates the Model.

Initial Title
Neonsunburst Controller Class

Initial Tags

Initial Language
ActionScript 3