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Revision: 30671
at August 19, 2010 04:03 by derrekwayne

Updated Code
package com.neonsunburst {
	public class Model extends EventDispatcher {

		public static var totalPages:int;
		public static var currentPage:int;
		public static var previousPage:int;

		function Model() {
			totalPages = 3;
			currentPage = 1;
		function setCurrentPage(p:int) : void {
				previousPage = currentPage;
				currentPage = p; 
				trace (this + " currentPage is " + currentPage); 
				trace (this + " previousPage is " + previousPage); 
				dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
		function getCurrentPage() : int {
			return currentPage;
		function getPreviousPage() : int {
			return previousPage;
		function getTotalPages() : int {
			return totalPages;

Revision: 30670
at August 19, 2010 04:00 by derrekwayne

Initial Code
package com.neonsunburst {
	public class Model extends EventDispatcher {

		public static var totalPages:int;
		public static var currentPage:int;
		public static var previousPage:int;

		function Model() {
			trace ("model");
			totalPages = 3;
			currentPage = 1;
		function setCurrentPage(p:int) : void {
				previousPage = currentPage;
				currentPage = p; 
				trace (this + " currentPage is " + currentPage); 
				trace (this + " previousPage is " + previousPage); 
				dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
		function getCurrentPage() : int {
			return currentPage;
		function getPreviousPage() : int {
			return previousPage;
		function getTotalPages() : int {
			return totalPages;

Initial URL

Initial Description
The singleton model extends EventDispatcher and fires events when it is updated by the controller.

Initial Title
Neonsunburst Model Class

Initial Tags

Initial Language
ActionScript 3