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Revision: 30251
at August 10, 2010 21:04 by james0rion

Updated Code

*** Example of Usage: ****************************************************
***** Validate::string('717 123 4567',Validate::SPACE.Validate::PHONE); **
***** returns true *******************************************************

class Validate

	const name = 'Simple Validation Class';
	const version = '0.2a';

	const NUM = '0-9';
	const SPACE = '\s';
	const ALPHA_LOWER = 'a-z';
	const ALPHA_UPPER = 'A-Z';
	const ALPHA = 'a-zA-Z';
	const EALPHA_LOWER = 'a-z�¡�©�­�³�º�½� �¨�¬�²�¹�¤�«�¯�¶�¼�¿�¢�ª�®�´�»�£�±�µ�¡�¥�¦�§���°�¸�¾��';
	const EALPHA_UPPER = 'A-Z���������������������������������¸����������������� ��������������';
	const EALPHA = 'a-z�¡�©�­�³�º�½� �¨�¬�²�¹�¤�«�¯�¶�¼�¿�¢�ª�®�´�»�£�±�µ�¡�¥�¦�§���°�¸�¾��A-Z���������������������������������¸����������������� ��������������';
	const PUNCTUATION = '\s\.\-_,;\/\:&"\'\?\!\(\)';
	const ALL = '0-9\s\.\-_,;\/\:&"\'\?\!\(\)a-z�¡�©�­�³�º�½� �¨�¬�²�¹�¤�«�¯�¶�¼�¿�¢�ª�®�´�»�£�±�µ�¡�¥�¦�§���°�¸�¾��A-Z���������������������������������¸����������������� ��������������';
	const PHONE = '0-9\s+\-.\(\)#\*\/';

	static private function version_check() {
		return version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0', '>=');
	}//end function

	public function url ($url, $length = 12, $http=TRUE) {
		if (strlen($url) < $length) return false;
		if (self::version_check()) {
			$flag = null;
			if ($http) $flag = FILTER_FLAG_PATH_REQUIRED;
			return (bool) filter_var($integer, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL, $flag);
		}//end if
		return !preg_match('/ /', $url) 
			&& preg_match('|^'.($http?'http(s)?://':'').'[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(:[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$|i', $url);
	}//end function
	public function string ($string, $charset=self::ALL, $length=1) {
		return strlen($string) >= $length
			&& preg_match("|^[$charset]*\$|s", $string);
    	}//end function
	public function integer ($integer, $min=null, $max=null) {
		if (self::version_check()) {
			$options = array('default'=>false);
			if (isset($min)) $options['min_range'] = $min;
			if (isset($max)) $options['max_range'] = $max;
			return filter_var($integer, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, $options);
		}//end if
		return is_int($integer) && (!isset($min) || $integer>=$min) && (!isset($max) || $integer<=$max);
	}//end function

	public function email ($email) {
		if (self::version_check()) return (bool) filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
		$broken = explode('@',$email);
		return empty($broken[2])
			&& self::url($broken[1],5,FALSE)
			&& self::string($broken[0],self::ALPHA.self::NUM.'\.\-_');
	}//end function



Revision: 30250
at August 10, 2010 21:03 by james0rion

Updated Code

*** Example of Usage: ****************************************************
***** Validate::string('717 123 4567',Validate::SPACE.Validate::PHONE); **
***** returns true *******************************************************

class Validate

	const name = 'Simple Validation Class';
	const version = '0.2a';

	const NUM = '0-9';
	const SPACE = '\s';
	const ALPHA_LOWER = 'a-z';
	const ALPHA_UPPER = 'A-Z';
	const ALPHA = 'a-zA-Z';
	const EALPHA_LOWER = 'a-záéíóúýàèìòùäëïöüÿâêîôûãñõšåæç�ðøþ�';
	const EALPHA_UPPER = 'A-Z����������������Ÿ��������Š�������';
	const EALPHA = 'a-záéíóúýàèìòùäëïöüÿâêîôûãñõšåæç�ðøþ�A-Z����������������Ÿ��������Š�������';
	const PUNCTUATION = '\s\.\-_,;\/\:&"\'\?\!\(\)';
	const ALL = '0-9\s\.\-_,;\/\:&"\'\?\!\(\)a-záéíóúýàèìòùäëïöüÿâêîôûãñõšåæç�ðøþ�A-Z����������������Ÿ��������Š�������';
	const PHONE = '0-9\s+\-.\(\)#\*\/';

	static private function version_check() {
		return version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0', '>=');
	}//end function

	public function url ($url, $length = 12, $http=TRUE) {
		if (strlen($url) < $length) return false;
		if (self::version_check()) {
			$flag = null;
			if ($http) $flag = FILTER_FLAG_PATH_REQUIRED;
			return (bool) filter_var($integer, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL, $flag);
		}//end if
		return !preg_match('/ /', $url) 
			&& preg_match('|^'.($http?'http(s)?://':'').'[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(:[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$|i', $url);
	}//end function
	public function string ($string, $charset=self::ALL, $length=1) {
		return strlen($string) >= $length
			&& preg_match("|^[$charset]*\$|s", $string);
    	}//end function
	public function integer ($integer, $min=null, $max=null) {
		if (self::version_check()) {
			$options = array('default'=>false);
			if (isset($min)) $options['min_range'] = $min;
			if (isset($max)) $options['max_range'] = $max;
			return filter_var($integer, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, $options);
		}//end if
		return is_int($integer) && (!isset($min) || $integer>=$min) && (!isset($max) || $integer<=$max);
	}//end function

	public function email ($email) {
		if (self::version_check()) return (bool) filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
		$broken = explode('@',$email);
		return empty($broken[2])
			&& self::url($broken[1],5,FALSE)
			&& self::string($broken[0],self::ALPHA.self::NUM.'\.\-_');
	}//end function



Revision: 30249
at August 10, 2010 21:01 by james0rion

Initial Code

*** Example of Usage: ***************************************************
***** Validate::string('717 123 4567',Validate::NUM.Validate::PHONE); ***
***** returns true ******************************************************

class Validate

	const name = 'Simple Validation Class';
	const version = '0.2a';

	const NUM = '0-9';
	const SPACE = '\s';
	const ALPHA_LOWER = 'a-z';
	const ALPHA_UPPER = 'A-Z';
	const ALPHA = 'a-zA-Z';
	const EALPHA_LOWER = 'a-záéíóúýàèìòùäëïöüÿâêîôûãñõšåæçœðøþß';
	const EALPHA = 'a-záéíóúýàèìòùäëïöüÿâêîôûãñõšåæçœðøþßA-ZÁÉÍÓÚÝÀÈÌÒÙÄËÏÖÜŸÂÊÎÔÛÃÑÕŠÅÆÇŒÐØÞ';
	const PUNCTUATION = '\s\.\-_,;\/\:&"\'\?\!\(\)';
	const ALL = '0-9\s\.\-_,;\/\:&"\'\?\!\(\)a-záéíóúýàèìòùäëïöüÿâêîôûãñõšåæçœðøþßA-ZÁÉÍÓÚÝÀÈÌÒÙÄËÏÖÜŸÂÊÎÔÛÃÑÕŠÅÆÇŒÐØÞ';
	const PHONE = '0-9\s+\-.\(\)#\*\/';

	static private function version_check() {
		return version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0', '>=');
	}//end function

	public function url ($url, $length = 12, $http=TRUE) {
		if (strlen($url) < $length) return false;
		if (self::version_check()) {
			$flag = null;
			if ($http) $flag = FILTER_FLAG_PATH_REQUIRED;
			return (bool) filter_var($integer, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL, $flag);
		}//end if
		return !preg_match('/ /', $url) 
			&& preg_match('|^'.($http?'http(s)?://':'').'[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(:[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$|i', $url);
	}//end function
	public function string ($string, $charset=self::ALL, $length=1) {
		return strlen($string) >= $length
			&& preg_match("|^[$charset]*\$|s", $string);
    	}//end function
	public function integer ($integer, $min=null, $max=null) {
		if (self::version_check()) {
			$options = array('default'=>false);
			if (isset($min)) $options['min_range'] = $min;
			if (isset($max)) $options['max_range'] = $max;
			return filter_var($integer, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, $options);
		}//end if
		return is_int($integer) && (!isset($min) || $integer>=$min) && (!isset($max) || $integer<=$max);
	}//end function

	public function email ($email) {
		if (self::version_check()) return (bool) filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
		$broken = explode('@',$email);
		return empty($broken[2])
			&& self::url($broken[1],5,FALSE)
			&& self::string($broken[0],self::ALPHA.self::NUM.'\.\-_');
	}//end function



Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Simple Validation Class

Initial Tags

Initial Language