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Revision: 30205
at August 10, 2010 03:45 by d3developer

Initial Code
         * This method accepts the ID of any object type and returns the full name, including prefix of the sObject
         * type to which it belongs.
         * @author cpeterson
        public static Schema.SObjectType getObjectType(id subject){
                Schema.SObjectType result;
                string target = subject;
                Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> gd = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
                string keyPrefix;
                for(Schema.SObjectType describe: gd.values() ){
                        keyPrefix = describe.getDescribe().getKeyPrefix();
                        if(keyPrefix != null && target.startsWith(keyPrefix)){
                                result = describe;
                                break; //no need to keep looking
                return result;

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Initial Description

Initial Title
@ca_peterson SObject initialization from Id

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