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Revision: 3973
at October 10, 2007 16:17 by corydeppen

Updated Code
' Runs a SQL script from an external file.
' @date 20071010
' @param FilePath Path to SQL script file
' @remarks

Sub ExecuteSqlScript(FilePath As String)

    Dim Script As String
    Dim FileNumber As Integer
    Dim Delimiter As String
    Dim aSubscript() As String
    Dim Subscript As String
    Dim i As Long
    Delimiter = ";"
    FileNumber = FreeFile
    Script = String(FileLen(FilePath), vbNullChar)
    ' Grab the scripts inside the file
    Open FilePath For Binary As #FileNumber
    Get #FileNumber, , Script
    Close #FileNumber
    ' Put the scripts into an array
    aSubscript = Split(Script, Delimiter)
    ' Run each script in the array
    For i = 0 To UBound(aSubscript) - 1
        aSubscript(i) = Trim(aSubscript(i))
        Subscript = aSubscript(i)
        CurrentProject.Connection.Execute Subscript
    Next i

End Sub

Revision: 3972
at October 10, 2007 13:44 by corydeppen

Initial Code
' Runs a SQL script from an external file.
' @date 20071010
' @param FilePath Path to SQL script file

Sub ExecuteSqlScript(FilePath As String)

    Dim Script As String
    Dim FileNumber As Integer
    FileNumber = FreeFile
    Script = String(FileLen(FilePath), vbNullChar)
    ' Grab the text inside the file
    Open FilePath For Binary As #FileNumber
    Get #FileNumber, , Script
    Close #FileNumber
    CurrentProject.Connection.Execute Script

End Sub

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Run SQL Script From External File

Initial Tags

Initial Language
Visual Basic