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Revision: 30150
at August 27, 2010 11:07 by davidmoreen

Updated Code
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use 5.010;

my ($type, $string);

print "What type of case? (upper/lower):\n";
while (<STDIN>) {
	if (/^(upper|lower)$/i) {
		$type = $_;
	} else {
		print "Invalid type please type upper or lower:\n";

print "Please enter your text:\n";
chomp($string = <STDIN>);
given ($type) {
	when ("upper") { print "\U$string" }
	when ("lower") { print "\L$string" }

print "\n";

Revision: 30149
at August 9, 2010 08:20 by davidmoreen

Initial Code
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Switch;

my ($input, $type, $string);

print "What type of case? (upper/lower):\n";
while (<STDIN>) {
	if ($_ ne ("upper" || "lower")) {
		print "Invalid type please type upper or lower:\n";
	} else {
		$type = $_;

print "Please enter your text:\n";
chomp($string = <STDIN>);
switch ($type) {
	case "upper" { print uc $string }
	case "lower" { print lc $string }

print "\n";

Initial URL

Initial Description
Just run in your consol window as ./tocase (or whatever you call the file). Be sure to give it proper permission first (chmod 755 tocase) :]

Initial Title
Changing text case utility

Initial Tags

Initial Language