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Revision: 30135
at August 8, 2010 12:46 by LarryStreeter

Initial Code
import de.rochade.srap.Connection;
import de.rochade.srap.ResultSet;
import de.rochade.srap.ResultSetFactory;
import de.rochade.srap.Rochade;
import de.rochade.srap.SrapException;
import de.rochade.srap.Startup;
import de.rochade.srap.UserAdmin;

public class AddUser {

  public static void main(String[] args){

    Connection connection = null;
    try {

       // Connect to the Rochade Server
       Rochade rochade = Startup.getInstance(null, null, null, null, null, null);
       connection = rochade.getConnection("localhost", 8888, "ROADM", "", null);

       // Request the User Administration object for the selected database
       UserAdmin userAdmin = connection.getUserAdmin("AP-DATA");

       // Get the authentication settings from an existing template
       // using the select method.

      // Setup the select statement parameters
      String what = "authentication, operPriv, userPriv";
      ResultSet from = ResultSetFactory.getResultSet("type, name", null, null);
      ResultSet where = null;

      from.updateString("type", "template"); // Identify the type as template
      from.updateString("name", "ROCHUSER"); // The name of the template to get

      // Request the template using a select call
      ResultSet rs =, from, where);

      // move to the first row and get the authentication values and operator
      // and user privileges
      ResultSet authentication = rs.getResultSet("authentication");
      String operPriv = rs.getString("operPriv");
      String userPriv = rs.getString("userPriv");

      // Create a new user in the selected database with the create method.

      ResultSet rsUser = ResultSetFactory.getResultSet(
           "type, userID, shortDesc, authentication, operPriv, userPriv",
           null, null);
       rsUser.updateString("type", "user"); // Identify the type as user
       rsUser.updateString("userID", "JOEUSER"); // User ID
           "Joe is a Rochade user, not a plumber"); // User description

       // Add an additional column to the authentication parameters
       // for the users initial password.
       authentication.appendColumn("pwd", "String");
       authentication.updateString("pwd", "password");

       // set the authentication settings and the user and operator
       // privileges for the new user.
       rsUser.updateResultSet("authentication", authentication);
       rsUser.updateString("operPriv", operPriv);
       rsUser.updateString("userPriv", userPriv);

       // Create the user using the create method.
       rs = userAdmin.create(rsUser);

       // Check the results for success.
       if (!rs.getBoolean("success")){
  catch (SrapException e) {
  finally {
    if (connection != null) {

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Add new Rochade User

Initial Tags

Initial Language