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Revision: 29014
at July 19, 2010 20:49 by dtbaker

Updated Code
// the url to check how many likes
$url = '';
// build the facebook query
$fburl = "'$url'&format=atom";
// grab the atom dump via facebook api url call above
$ch = curl_init($fburl); // url for page
$atom_data = curl_exec($ch);
// it returns something like this:
/* <fql_query_response xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" list="true"> 
</fql_query_response>  */
// grab the like count out, i hate dom parsing, so just use regex:

$like_count = $matches[1]; 
echo "The URL $url has $like_count likes on facebook";

// OPTION 2 >>> keeping it to a 1 liner:
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents("'$url'&format=json"));
echo "The URL $url has " . $data[0]->like_count . " likes on facebook";


Revision: 29013
at July 19, 2010 20:48 by dtbaker

Updated Code
// the url to check how many likes
$url = '';
// build the facebook query
$fburl = "'$url'&format=atom";
// grab the atom dump via facebook api url call above
$ch = curl_init($fburl); // url for page
$atom_data = curl_exec($ch);
// it returns something like this:
/* <fql_query_response xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" list="true"> 
</fql_query_response>  */
// grab the like count out, i had dom parsing, so just use regex:

$like_count = $matches[1]; 
echo "The URL $url has $like_count likes on facebook";

// OPTION 2 >>> keeping it to a 1 liner:
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents("'$url'&format=json"));
echo "The URL $url has " . $data[0]->like_count . " likes on facebook";


Revision: 29012
at July 19, 2010 20:41 by dtbaker

Initial Code
// the url to check how many likes
$url = '';
// build the facebook query
$fburl = "'$url'&format=atom";
// grab the atom dump via facebook api url call above
$ch = curl_init($fburl); // url for page
$atom_data = curl_exec($ch);
// it returns something like this:
/* <fql_query_response xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" list="true"> 
</fql_query_response>  */
// grab the like count out, i had dom parsing, so just use regex:

$like_count = $matches[1]; 
echo "The URL $url has $like_count likes on facebook";


Initial URL

Initial Description
Use the facebook api to grab how many \\\'likes\\\' a url has had.

Initial Title
Get the number of Facebook Likes using PHP

Initial Tags

Initial Language