Return to Snippet

Revision: 87034
at September 14, 2021 12:11 by ollie101

Updated URL


Revision: 29003
at July 19, 2010 07:44 by ollie101

Initial Code
//Get the contents of a specified tag ($tag) of the specified XML file ($xmlFile)
function getXmlData($xmlFile, $tag)
	$output = substr($xmlFile, strpos($xmlFile, "<".$tag.">") + strlen("<".$tag.">"), 
						strpos($xmlFile, "</".$tag.">")- strpos($xmlFile, "<".$tag.">") - strlen("<".$tag.">"));
	return $output;

Initial URL

Initial Description
Simple piece of PHP to get the contents of a specified tag from an XML file and return it

Initial Title
Get the contents of a specified tag from an XML file in PHP

Initial Tags
php, xml

Initial Language