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Revision: 28174
at July 2, 2010 23:08 by martijnbleyen

Updated Code
var obj:Object = {age:19, name:"Martijn" ,country:"Belgium",location:"Lommel",zipCode:3920};

private function traceObject(o:Object):void{
      for(var val:* in o){
      trace('   [' + typeof(o[val]) + '] ' + val + ' => ' + o[val]);

// trace output
// [string] name => Martijn
// [string] location => Lommel
// [string] country => Belgium
// [number] zipCode => 3920
// [number] age => 19

Revision: 28173
at July 2, 2010 23:01 by martijnbleyen

Initial Code
var obj:Object = {age:19, name:"Martijn" ,country:"Belgium",location:"Lommel",zipCode:3920};

private function traceObject(o:Object):void{
      for(var val:String in o){
      trace('   [' + typeof(o[val]) + '] ' + val + ' => ' + o[val]);

// trace output
// [string] name => Martijn
// [string] location => Lommel
// [string] country => Belgium
// [number] zipCode => 3920
// [number] age => 19

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Object trace with output trace

Initial Tags

Initial Language
ActionScript 3