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Revision: 27035
at May 20, 2010 12:26 by jackoder

Initial Code
function shorturl($url){
    $length = strlen($url);
    if($length > 45){
        $length = $length - 30;
        $first = substr($url, 0, -$length);
        $last = substr($url, -15);
        $new = $first."[ ... ]".$last;
        return $new;
        return $url;



$longurl= "";
$shorturl = shorturl($longurl);
echo "<a href=\"$longurl\">$shorturl</a>";


Initial URL

Initial Description
Dear php coders, 

Here's a code block that you can use in your projects to get shorter long urls. 

Also recommend these articles about [ozon tedavisi]( here. 

Have a nice coding.

Initial Title
Short URL Function with PHP

Initial Tags
url, php

Initial Language