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Revision: 3514
at February 9, 2008 18:55 by iblis

Updated Code
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
# List empty directories
# perl administration posix

# set start path

my $startpath = shift || '.';						

sub checkpath {
	my $path = shift;
	# open path or die
	opendir my($dir), $path	
		or die "Can't open $path : $!\n";				
	# debug
	#print "I am here: $path\n";
	# get directory content but skip . and .. (to avoid circular looping)
	my @content = grep {$_ !~ /^\.\.?$/} readdir $dir;
	# print directory name and exit if empty
	if (!@content) {
		print "$path\n";
	# recurse trough directories
	foreach my $subpath (grep { -d "$path/$_"} @content) {


Revision: 3513
at August 6, 2007 08:47 by iblis

Initial Code
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
# List empty directories
# perl administration posix
# with comments

my $path;
$path = shift or $path = '.';						# set path from argument or default

opendir my($dir), $path	
	or die "Can't open $path : $!\n";				# open path or die

my @dirs = grep { -d "$path/$_"} readdir $dir;		# list directories in path
foreach my $subpath (@dirs) {						# loop through
	next if ($subpath =~ /^\.\.?$/); 				# skip . and .. (to avoid circular looping)
	opendir my($subdir), "$path/$subpath" 			
		or die "Can't open $subpath : $!\n";		# open subpath or die
	if (!(grep {$_ !~ /^\.\.?$/} readdir $subdir))	{ # test if subpath has not other element than . and ..
		print "$subpath\n";

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Initial Title
List empty directories

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