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Revision: 26737
at May 8, 2010 20:18 by spire8989

Initial Code
void UpdateCamera()
   // set next camera mode when Tab pressed

   // setup the camera
   if(Players.elms()) // if we have at least one player
      // set camera depending on current view mode
         case VIEW_FPP:
            OrientP &head=Players[0].cskel.getPoint("head"); // obtain player "head" skeleton point (this was created in Mesh Editor)
            Cam.setPosDir(head.pos,head.dir,head.perp); // set camera from 'head' position, direction and perpendicular to direction

         default: // VIEW_TPP
            if(Ms.b(0)) {
               desired_camera.yaw  -=Ms.ds.x*3; // update camera yaw   angle according to mouse smooth delta x
               desired_camera.pitch+=Ms.ds.y*3*Ms.inv(); // update camera pitch angle according to mouse smooth delta y
               Clamp(desired_camera.pitch,-PI_2,0); // clamp to possible camera pitch angle
               desired_camera.dist=Max(1.0f,desired_camera.dist*ScaleFactor(Ms.wheel()*-0.2)); // update camera distance according to mouse wheel
               Ball ball(0.1f,;
               Physics.move(ball, desired_camera.matrix.pos-ball.pos);
               Cam.setPosDir(ball.pos, desired_camera.matrix.z, desired_camera.matrix.y);
               //Cam.setSpherical(ball.pos, desired_camera.yaw, desired_camera.pitch, 0, desired_camera.dist); // set spherical camera looking at player using camera angles
            else {
               desired_camera.yaw  =Players[0].angle.x;          // update camera yaw   angle according to mouse smooth delta x
               desired_camera.pitch=Players[0].angle.y;          // update camera pitch angle according to mouse smooth delta y
               Clamp(desired_camera.pitch,-PI_2,PI_4); // clamp to possible camera pitch angle
               desired_camera.dist=Max(1.0f,desired_camera.dist*ScaleFactor(Ms.wheel()*-0.2)); // update camera distance according to mouse wheel
               //Cam.dist=Max(1.0f,Cam.dist*ScaleFactor(Ms.wheel()*-0.1)); // update camera distance according to mouse wheel
               Ball ball(0.1f,;
               Physics.move(ball, desired_camera.matrix.pos-ball.pos);
               Cam.setPosDir(ball.pos, desired_camera.matrix.z, desired_camera.matrix.y);
               //Cam.setSpherical(Players[0].ctrl_pos+Vec(0,0.5,0), Players[0].angle.x, Players[0].angle.y, 0, desired_camera.matrix.z); // set spherical camera looking at player position with given player angles

      // after setting camera position and angles:
      Cam.updateVelocities().set(); // update camera velocities and activate it
   else // when no player on the scene
      CamHandle(0.1,100,CAMH_ZOOM|(Ms.b(1)?CAMH_MOVE:CAMH_ROT)); // default camera handling actions

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Stranded - Snippet 2

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