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Revision: 87521
at November 17, 2021 02:38 by hexgh12345

Updated Code
            //// Description:
            // The purpose for this code is to find the domain age. 
            // Please enter the key and domain before you run the code , /
            // For information, please visit /
            $apiKey = 'Enter_License_Key';
            $domain = 'Enter_Domain_Name';
            $url = "$apiKey&domain=$domain";            
            $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($url),true);
            echo "<br>Domain: ",$data['domain'], "<br>";
            echo "Domain Age: ",$data['domain_age'] ," days<br><br>";

Revision: 80281
at March 2, 2020 07:40 by hexgh12345

Initial Title
How to get the domain age in PHP

Initial Description
This code is to find the domain age in PHP.

Initial Code
            //// Description:
            // The purpose for this code is to find the domain age. 
            // Please enter the key and domain before you run the code , /
            // For information, please visit /
            $apiKey = 'Enter_License_Key';
            $domain = 'Enter_Domain_Name';
            $url = "$apiKey&domain=$domain";            
            $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($url),true);
            echo "<br>Domain: ",$data['domain'], "<br>";
            echo "Domain Age: ",$data['domain_age'] ," days<br><br>";

Initial Tags

Initial Language

Initial URL