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Revision: 80271
at February 29, 2020 10:29 by johnwalsh1

Updated Description
Always gives me perfect date.

Sample Output

Current Day is: 1
Current Month is: 2
Current Year is: 2020
Current Hour is: 17
Current Minute is: 3
Current Second is: 8
Current Microsecond is: 556483

Revision: 80270
at February 29, 2020 10:28 by johnwalsh1

Updated Description
Always gives me perfect date.

*Sample Output*

Current Day is: 1
Current Month is: 2
Current Year is: 2020
Current Hour is: 17
Current Minute is: 3
Current Second is: 8
Current Microsecond is: 556483

Revision: 80269
at February 29, 2020 10:28 by johnwalsh1

Updated Description
Always gives me perfect date.

## Sample Output

Current Day is: 1
Current Month is: 2
Current Year is: 2020
Current Hour is: 17
Current Minute is: 3
Current Second is: 8
Current Microsecond is: 556483

Revision: 80268
at February 29, 2020 10:27 by johnwalsh1

Updated URL

Updated Code
from datetime import datetime

now =
print("Current Day is:",
print("Current Month is:", now.month)
print("Current Year is:", now.year)
print("Current Hour is:", now.hour)
print("Current Minute is:", now.minute)
print("Current Second is:", now.second)
print("Current Microsecond is:", now.microsecond)

Updated Description
Always gives me perfect date.


Current Day is: 1
Current Month is: 2
Current Year is: 2020
Current Hour is: 17
Current Minute is: 3
Current Second is: 8
Current Microsecond is: 556483

Revision: 80267
at February 29, 2020 10:26 by johnwalsh1

Updated Code
from datetime import datetime

now =
print("Current Day is:",
print("Current Month is:", now.month)
print("Current Year is:", now.year)
print("Current Hour is:", now.hour)
print("Current Minute is:", now.minute)
print("Current Second is:", now.second)
print("Current Microsecond is:", now.microsecond)


Updated Description
Always gives me perfect date. Output

Current Day is: 1
Current Month is: 2
Current Year is: 2020
Current Hour is: 17
Current Minute is: 3
Current Second is: 8
Current Microsecond is: 556483

Revision: 80266
at February 29, 2020 10:25 by johnwalsh1

Updated Description
Always gives me fits.


Revision: 80265
at February 29, 2020 10:23 by johnwalsh1

Updated Description
Always gives me fits.

Source: [](

Revision: 80264
at February 29, 2020 10:22 by johnwalsh1

Updated Code
from datetime import datetime

now =
print("Current Day is:",
print("Current Month is:", now.month)
print("Current Year is:", now.year)
print("Current Hour is:", now.hour)
print("Current Minute is:", now.minute)
print("Current Second is:", now.second)
print("Current Microsecond is:", now.microsecond)

Updated Description
Always gives me fits.


Revision: 80263
at February 29, 2020 10:22 by johnwalsh1

Initial Title
Get current date and time in Python

Initial Description
Always gives me fits.

<pre><code>from datetime import datetime

now =
print("Current Day is:",
print("Current Month is:", now.month)
print("Current Year is:", now.year)
print("Current Hour is:", now.hour)
print("Current Minute is:", now.minute)
print("Current Second is:", now.second)
print("Current Microsecond is:", now.microsecond)

Initial Code

Initial Tags
date, python

Initial Language

Initial URL