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Revision: 26583
at May 3, 2010 04:20 by jackomono

Initial Code
body, #logo h1 a, ul#menu li.on {background-color: #39f !important;}
@-webkit-keyframes colours {
	  0% {background-color: #39f;}
	 15% {background-color: #8bc5d1;}
	 30% {background-color: #f8cb4a;}
	 45% {background-color: #95b850;}
	 60% {background-color: #944893;}
	 75% {background-color: #c71f00;}
	 90% {background-color: #bdb280;}
	100% {background-color: #39f;}
body, #logo h1 a, ul#menu li.on {
	-webkit-animation-direction: normal;
	-webkit-animation-duration: 60s;
	-webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
	-webkit-animation-name: colours;
	-webkit-animation-timing-function: ease;

Initial URL

Initial Description
Color-transition loop  from the massiveblue homepage

Initial Title
Webkit Color Transition Loop

Initial Tags
css, CSS3

Initial Language