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Revision: 72156
at May 22, 2017 18:17 by apphp-snippets

Initial Code
 * Calculate the full size of a directory
 * @param string $DirectoryPath Directory path
function CalcDirectorySize($DirectoryPath) {
    // I reccomend using a normalize_path function here
    // to make sure $DirectoryPath contains an ending slash
    // To display a good looking size you can use a readable_filesize
    // function.
    $Size = 0;
    $Dir = opendir($DirectoryPath);
    if (!$Dir) return -1;
    while (($File = readdir($Dir)) !== false) {
        // Skip file pointers
        if ($File[0] == ) continue;
        // Go recursive down, or add the file size
        if (is_dir($DirectoryPath . $File)) {
            $Size += CalcDirectorySize($DirectoryPath . $File . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
        else {
            $Size += filesize($DirectoryPath . $File);
    return $Size;

Initial URL

Initial Description
This code allows to calculate the full size of a directory using PHP.

Initial Title
Calculate Full Size of Directory in PHP

Initial Tags
php, directory

Initial Language