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Revision: 337
at July 12, 2006 05:37 by ekobudisetiyo

Updated Code
//PHP5 only//

class open
   var $____x = array();
   function __construct($a = array())

   function __set($name,$val)
      $this->____x[$name] = $val;

   function __get($name)
       if(isset($this->____x[$name])) return $this->____x[$name];

   function __isset($name)
      return isset($this->____x[$name]);

   function toArray()
      return $this->____x;

   function fromArray($a = array())
      if(count($a)>0) foreach($a as $k => $v) $this->____x[$k] = $v;


Revision: 336
at July 10, 2006 03:05 by ekobudisetiyo

Initial Code
//PHP5 only//

class open
   var $____x = array();
   function __construct($a = array())

   function __set($name,$val)
      $this->____x[$name] = $val;

   function __get($name)
       if(isset($this->____x[$name])) return $this->____x[$name];

   function __isset($name)
      return isset($this->____x[$name]);

   function toArray()
      return $this->____x;

   function fromArray($a = array())
      if(count($a)>0) foreach($a as $k => $v) $this->____x[$k] = $v;


Initial URL

Initial Description
I use this object verry often, so that I only need to pass one object as parameter on any function. No need to wory when we refactore the function
$var = new open();
$var->url = '';
$var->title = 'Testing Site';

echo some_function($var);

Initial Title
Open PHP5 Object, No need to declare variable name first

Initial Tags

Initial Language