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Revision: 25736
at April 7, 2010 13:31 by LeeProbert

Updated Code
In Flex the Application needs to be complete so run this code within your applicationComplete event handler and pass a Boolean into a Data model somewhere so you can use it elsewhere.

var isLocal:Boolean = loaderInfo.url.indexOf("file") == 0;

Revision: 25735
at April 7, 2010 12:54 by LeeProbert

Initial Code
var isLocal:Boolean = loaderInfo.url.indexOf("file") == 0;

Initial URL

Initial Description
In Flex the Application needs to be complete so run this code within your applicationComplete event handler and pass a Boolean into a Data model somewhere so you can use it elsewhere.

Initial Title
Detecting if your SWF is running over HTTP or locally

Initial Tags

Initial Language
ActionScript 3