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Revision: 25669
at April 5, 2010 13:47 by asterfr

Initial Code
 * This script helps you to test session persistence for your HTTP API
 * launch this.php?set=valuuue to set the session value stored to value
 * launch this.php to retrieve the value


if (isset($_GET['set'])) {
	$_SESSION['value'] = $_GET['set'];
	echo 'value set to : '.$_SESSION['value'];
} else {
	if (!isset($_SESSION['value'])) {
		echo 'no value stored';
	} else {
		echo 'session contains : '.$_SESSION['value'];

Initial URL

Initial Description
This script helps you to test session persistence for your HTTP API.

Launch this.php?set=valuuue to set the session value stored to value.
Launch this.php to retrieve the value.

Initial Title
Simple http session

Initial Tags

Initial Language