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Revision: 24531
at March 3, 2010 08:57 by cmwhitehead

Updated Code
function AuthObject() {

	var i, rvN;
	var UA = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();	// UserAgent in lowserCase
	this.isIE = false;								// Is it Internet Explorer?
	this.isIE8 = false;								// Is it Internet Explorer 8?
	this.isIE6 = false;								// Is it Internet Explorer 6?
	this.isFF = false;								// Is it Firfox?
	this.isSafari = false;							// Is it Safari?
	this.isChrome = false;							// Is it Chrome?
	this.isKonqueror = false;						// Is it Konqueror?
	this.isOpera = false;							// Is it Opera?
	this.isCamino = false;							// Is it Camino? (A gecko-based browser on the Mac)
	this.isNav4 = false;							// Is it Netscape Navigator 4?
	this.isGecko = false;							// Is it a Gecko-based browser? (Mozilla Suite, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape 6+)
	this.ieVersion = null;							// Internet Explorer version
	this.ffVersion = null;							// Firefox Version
	this.operaVersion = null;						// Opera Version
	this.webkitVersion = null;						// WebKit Version
	this.geckoRevision = null;						// Gecko revision
	this.geckoDate = null;							// Gecko build date
	this.geckoRevisionMajor = null;					// Gecko revision major version
	this.geckoRevisionMinor = null;					// Gecko revision minor version
	this.isWin = false;								// Is it Windows?
	this.isWinVista = false;						// Is it Windows Vista?
	this.isMac = false;								// Is it Mac?
	this.isLinux = false;							// Is it Linux?
	if(UA.indexOf("msie") >= 0){
		this.isIE = true;}
	if((UA.indexOf('trident/4')>=0)||(UA.indexOf('msie 8')>=0)){
		this.isIE8 = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf('msie 6')>=0){
		this.isIE6 = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf("firefox") >= 0){
		this.isFF = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf("safari") >= 0 && UA.indexOf("applewebkit") >=0 && UA.indexOf("version") >= 0){
		this.isSafari = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf("chrome") >= 0 && UA.indexOf("applewebkit") >= 0 && UA.indexOf("safari")){
		this.isChrome = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf("konqueror") >= 0){
		this.isKonqueror = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf("opera") >= 0){
		this.isOpera = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf("camino") >= 0){
		this.isCamino = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf('mozilla')>=0 && UA.indexOf('compatible')==-1 && parseInt(navigator.appVersion)<5) {
		this.isNav4 = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf("gecko/") >= 0){
		this.isGecko = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf("applewebkit/") >= 0){
		i = UA.indexOf("applewebkit/");
		this.webkitVersion = parseFloat(UA.substr(i + 12));}
	if(UA.indexOf("firefox/") >= 0){
		i = UA.indexOf("firefox/");
		this.ffVersion = parseFloat(UA.substr(i + 8)) ;}
	rvN = "rv:";
		i = UA.indexOf(rvN)
		var geckoRevisionStr = UA.substr(i + rvN.length);
		this.geckoRevision=parseFloat(UA.substr(i + rvN.length));
		this.geckoRevisionMinor=parseFloat(geckoRevisionStr.split(".")[1]+ "."+geckoRevisionStr.split(".")[2]);}
	if(UA.indexOf("windows") >= 0 && UA.indexOf("windows nt 6.0") <= 0){
		this.isWin = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf("windows nt 6.0") >=0){
		this.isWinVista = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf("mac") >=0){
		this.isMac = true;}
		this.isLinux = true;}

var Auth = new AuthObject();

Revision: 24530
at March 3, 2010 08:53 by cmwhitehead

Initial Code
function EW_AuthObject() {

	var i, rvN;
	var UA = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();	// UserAgent in lowserCase
	this.isIE = false;								// Is it Internet Explorer?
	this.isIE8 = false;								// Is it Internet Explorer 8?
	this.isIE6 = false;								// Is it Internet Explorer 6?
	this.isFF = false;								// Is it Firfox?
	this.isSafari = false;							// Is it Safari?
	this.isChrome = false;							// Is it Chrome?
	this.isKonqueror = false;						// Is it Konqueror?
	this.isOpera = false;							// Is it Opera?
	this.isCamino = false;							// Is it Camino? (A gecko-based browser on the Mac)
	this.isNav4 = false;							// Is it Netscape Navigator 4?
	this.isGecko = false;							// Is it a Gecko-based browser? (Mozilla Suite, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape 6+)
	this.ieVersion = null;							// Internet Explorer version
	this.ffVersion = null;							// Firefox Version
	this.operaVersion = null;						// Opera Version
	this.webkitVersion = null;						// WebKit Version
	this.geckoRevision = null;						// Gecko revision
	this.geckoDate = null;							// Gecko build date
	this.geckoRevisionMajor = null;					// Gecko revision major version
	this.geckoRevisionMinor = null;					// Gecko revision minor version
	this.isWin = false;								// Is it Windows?
	this.isWinVista = false;						// Is it Windows Vista?
	this.isMac = false;								// Is it Mac?
	this.isLinux = false;							// Is it Linux?
	if(UA.indexOf("msie") >= 0){
		this.isIE = true;}
	if((UA.indexOf('trident/4')>=0)||(UA.indexOf('msie 8')>=0)){
		this.isIE8 = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf('msie 6')>=0){
		this.isIE6 = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf("firefox") >= 0){
		this.isFF = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf("safari") >= 0 && UA.indexOf("applewebkit") >=0 && UA.indexOf("version") >= 0){
		this.isSafari = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf("chrome") >= 0 && UA.indexOf("applewebkit") >= 0 && UA.indexOf("safari")){
		this.isChrome = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf("konqueror") >= 0){
		this.isKonqueror = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf("opera") >= 0){
		this.isOpera = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf("camino") >= 0){
		this.isCamino = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf('mozilla')>=0 && UA.indexOf('compatible')==-1 && parseInt(navigator.appVersion)<5) {
		this.isNav4 = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf("gecko/") >= 0){
		this.isGecko = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf("applewebkit/") >= 0){
		i = UA.indexOf("applewebkit/");
		this.webkitVersion = parseFloat(UA.substr(i + 12));}
	if(UA.indexOf("firefox/") >= 0){
		i = UA.indexOf("firefox/");
		this.ffVersion = parseFloat(UA.substr(i + 8)) ;}
	rvN = "rv:";
		i = UA.indexOf(rvN)
		var geckoRevisionStr = UA.substr(i + rvN.length);
		this.geckoRevision=parseFloat(UA.substr(i + rvN.length));
		this.geckoRevisionMinor=parseFloat(geckoRevisionStr.split(".")[1]+ "."+geckoRevisionStr.split(".")[2]);}
	if(UA.indexOf("windows") >= 0 && UA.indexOf("windows nt 6.0") <= 0){
		this.isWin = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf("windows nt 6.0") >=0){
		this.isWinVista = true;}
	if(UA.indexOf("mac") >=0){
		this.isMac = true;}
		this.isLinux = true;}

var EW_Auth = new EW_AuthObject();

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Browser and OS Authentication Object

Initial Tags

Initial Language