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Revision: 24314
at February 25, 2010 18:13 by edwardhotchkiss

Initial Code
package com.Zimsical.Typography {

	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.text.*;

	public class TextManager extends Sprite {

		public function TextManager() {
		public static function CreateTextFormat(fontName:String, fontColor:Number, fontSize:uint, LetterSpacing:int):TextFormat {
			var _myTextFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat;
			_myTextFormat.font = fontName;
			_myTextFormat.color = fontColor;
			_myTextFormat.letterSpacing = LetterSpacing;
			_myTextFormat.bold = false;
			_myTextFormat.size = fontSize;
			return _myTextFormat;

		public static function CreateTextField(LetterSpacing:int, Kerning:Boolean, X:int, Y:int, Input:Boolean, Multiline:Boolean, HTMLText:Boolean, txtSize:int, fontTxt:String, txtColor:Number, fontName:String):TextField {
			var _myTextField:TextField = new TextField();
			var _myTextFormat:TextFormat = CreateTextFormat(fontName, txtColor, txtSize, LetterSpacing);
			_myTextFormat.kerning = Kerning;
			if (HTMLText == true) {
				_myTextField.htmlText = fontTxt;
			} else {
				_myTextField.text = fontTxt;
			_myTextField.antiAliasType = "advanced";
			if (Multiline) {
				_myTextField.multiline = true;
				_myTextField.wordWrap = true;
			} else {
				_myTextField.multiline = false;
				_myTextField.wordWrap = false;
			if (Input) {
				_myTextField.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
				_myTextField.border = true;
			} else {
				_myTextField.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;
				_myTextField.selectable = false;
			_myTextField.embedFonts = true;
			_myTextField.x = X;
			_myTextField.y = Y;
			_myTextField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
			return _myTextField;
  		private static function ListFonts():void {
			var fonts:Array = Font.enumerateFonts();
			var font:Font;
			for (var i:int; i<fonts.length;i++) {
    			font = fonts[i];
    			trace("name : "+font.fontName);
    			trace("style : "+font.fontStyle);
    			trace("type : "+font.fontType);



Initial URL

Initial Description
Allows easy usage of Fonts and TextField/TextFormat creation.

Initial Title
TextManager ActionScript 3.0 Class

Initial Tags

Initial Language
ActionScript 3