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Revision: 23858
at February 15, 2010 15:44 by dom111

Initial Code
 * unicode_ord
 * Returns the unicode value of the string
 * @param string $c The source string
 * @param integer $i The index to get the char from (passed by reference for use in a loop)
 * @return integer The value of the char at $c[$i]
 * @author kerry at shetline dot com
 * @author Dom Hastings - modified to suit my needs
 * @see
function unicode_ord(&$c, &$i = 0) {
  // get the character length
  $l = strlen($c);
  // copy the offset
  $index = $i;
  // check it's a valid offset
  if ($index >= $l) {
    return false;
  // check the value
  $o = ord($c[$index]);
  // if it's ascii
  if ($o <= 0x7F) {
    return $o;
  // not sure what it is...
  } elseif ($o < 0xC2) {
    return false;
  // if it's a two-byte character  
  } elseif ($o <= 0xDF && $index < $l - 1) {
    $i += 1;
    return ($o & 0x1F) <<  6 | (ord($c[$index + 1]) & 0x3F);
  // three-byte
  } elseif ($o <= 0xEF && $index < $l - 2) {
    $i += 2;
    return ($o & 0x0F) << 12 | (ord($c[$index + 1]) & 0x3F) << 6 | (ord($c[$index + 2]) & 0x3F);
  // four-byte
  } elseif ($o <= 0xF4 && $index < $l - 3) {
    $i += 3;
    return ($o & 0x0F) << 18 | (ord($c[$index + 1]) & 0x3F) << 12 | (ord($c[$index + 2]) & 0x3F) << 6 | (ord($c[$index + 3]) & 0x3F);
  // not sure what it is...
  } else {
    return false;

 * unicode_chr
 * @param string $c 
 * @return string
 * @author Miguel Perez
 * @see
function unicode_chr(&$c) {
  if ($c <= 0x7F) {
    return chr($c);
  } else if ($c <= 0x7FF) {
    return chr(0xC0 | $c >> 6).chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3F);
  } else if ($c <= 0xFFFF) {
    return chr(0xE0 | $c >> 12).chr(0x80 | $c >> 6 & 0x3F).chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3F);
  } else if ($c <= 0x10FFFF) {
    return chr(0xF0 | $c >> 18) . chr(0x80 | $c >> 12 & 0x3F).chr(0x80 | $c >> 6 & 0x3F).chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3F);
  } else {
    return false;

 * xmlentities
 * Makes the specified string XML-safe
 * @param string $s
 * @param boolean $hex Whether or not to make hexadecimal entities (as opposed to decimal)
 * @return string The XML-safe result
 * @author Dom Hastings
 * @dependencies unicode_ord()
 * @see
function xmlentities($s, $hex = true) {
  // if the string is empty
  if (empty($s)) {
    // just return it
    return $s;
  // create the return string
  $r = '';
  // get the length
  $l = strlen($s);
  // iterate the string
  for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i++) {
    // get the value of the character
    $o = unicode_ord($s, $i);
    // valid cahracters
    $v = (
      // \t \n <vertical tab> <form feed> \r
      ($o >= 9 && $o <= 13) || 
      // <space> !
      ($o == 32) || ($o == 33) || 
      // # $ %
      ($o >= 35 && $o <= 37) || 
      // ( ) * + , - . /
      ($o >= 40 && $o <= 47) || 
      // numbers
      ($o >= 48 && $o <= 57) ||
      // : ;
      ($o == 58) || ($o == 59) ||
      // = ?
      ($o == 61) || ($o == 63) ||
      // @
      ($o == 64) ||
      // uppercase
      ($o >= 65 && $o <= 90) ||
      // [ \ ] ^ _ `
      ($o >= 91 && $o <= 96) || 
      // lowercase
      ($o >= 97 && $o <= 122) || 
      // { | } ~
      ($o >= 123 && $o <= 126)
    // if it's valid, just keep it
    if ($v) {
      $r .= $s[$i];
    // &
    } elseif ($o == 38) {
      $r .= '&amp;';
    // <
    } elseif ($o == 60) {
      $r .= '&lt;';
    // >
    } elseif ($o == 62) {
      $r .= '&gt;';
    // '
    } elseif ($o == 39) {
      $r .= '&apos;';
    // "
    } elseif ($o == 34) {
      $r .= '&quot;';
    // unknown, add it as a reference
    } elseif ($o > 0) {
      if ($hex) {
        $r .= '&#x'.strtoupper(dechex($o)).';';
      } else {
        $r .= '&#'.$o.';';
  return $r;

 * xmlentity_decode
 * Converts XML entity encoded data back to a unicode string
 * @param string $s The XML encoded string
 * @param array $entities Additional entities to decode (optional)
 * @return string
 * @dependencies unicode_chr()
 * @author Dom Hastings
function xml_entity_decode($s, $entities = array()) {
  // if the string is empty, just return it
  if (empty($s)) {
    return $s;
  // check that entities is an array
  if (!is_array($entities)) {
    throw new Exception('xmlentity_decode expects argument 2 to be array.');
  // initialise vars
  $r = '';
  $l = strlen($s);
  // merge the entities with the defaults (amp, lt, gt, apos and quot MUST take precedence)
  $entities = array_merge($entities, array(
    'amp' => '&',
    'lt' => '<',
    'gt' => '>',
    'apos' => '\'',
    'quot' => '"'
  // loop through the string
  for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i++) { 
    // if it looks like an entity
    if ($s[$i] == '&') {
      // initialise some vars
      $e = '';
      $c = '';
      // loop until we find a semi-colon
      for ($j = ++$i; ($c != ';' && $j < $l); $j++) {
        // get the char
        $c = $s[$j];
        // if it's not a semi-colon
        if ($c != ';') {
          // add it to the temporary entity string
          $e .= $c;
      // update the index
      $i = ($j - 1);
      // if the first char is a #, it's a numeric entity
      if ($e[0] == '#') {
        // if the second char is x it's a hexadecimal entity
        if ($e[1] == 'x') {
          // store the number
          $e = hexdec(substr($e, 2));
        } else {
          // store the number
          $e = substr($e, 1);
      // if we got a number
      if (is_numeric($e)) {
        // get the unicode char from it
        $r .= unicode_chr($e);
      // otherwise
      } else {
        // if it's in our array (which it should be)
        if (array_key_exists($e, $entities)) {
          // append the character
          $r .= $entities[$e];
        // otherwise
        } else {
          // throw an exception, we don't know what to do with this
          throw new Exception('Unknown entity "'.$e.'"');
    // if it's just a regular char
    } else {
      // append it
      $r .= $s[$i];
  return $r;

Initial URL

Initial Description
Because htmlentities just doesn't cut it.

Recently needed this to work with 3rd part software, ended up having to make it pretty robust so thought I'd share!

Initial Title
xmlentnties and xml_entitiy_decode

Initial Tags

Initial Language