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Revision: 3155
at June 10, 2007 11:54 by dbug13

Updated Code
# Sends the current selection text or document (if no selection) to quicksilver 
# To use this you must install the "Command Line Tools (qs)" plugin in quicksilver
# Create a new bundle command and call it "Send to Quicksilver"
# Set command input to Selection Or Document
# set command output to discard
# set key equivalent (I set mine to command + escape)
# Leave Scope Selector blank

cat /dev/stdin | qs

Revision: 3154
at June 10, 2007 11:53 by dbug13

Initial Code
# Sends the current selection text or document (if no selection) to quicksilver 
# To use this you must install the "Command Line Tools (qs)" plugin in quicksilver
# Create a new bundle command and call it "Send to Quicksilver"
# Set command input to Selection Or Document
# set command output to discard
# set key equivalent (I set mine to command + escape)
# Leave Scope Selector blank

cat /dev/stdin | qs

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Send texmate selection to Quicksilver

Initial Tags
textmate, Bash, osx

Initial Language