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Revision: 23011
at January 27, 2010 16:56 by lancemonotone

Initial Code
 * @Search for substring in an array
 * @param string $neele
 * @param mixed $haystack
 * @return mixed Array or false if not found
function substr_in_array($haystack, $needle)
  $found = array();
	/*** cast to array ***/
    $needle = (array) $needle;

    /*** map with preg_quote ***/
    $needle = array_map('preg_quote', $needle);

    /*** loop of the array to get the search pattern ***/
    foreach ($needle as $pattern)
        if (count($found = preg_grep("/$pattern/", $haystack)) > 0) {
        	return $found;
    /*** if it is not found ***/
    return false;

Initial URL

Initial Description
Searches all array elements for a given substring.  Returns an array of found key=>value pairs or false if not found.

Initial Title

Initial Tags
search, array, find

Initial Language