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Revision: 22070
at December 30, 2009 19:21 by gdvickery

Updated Code
import sys
import time
import math

# Output example: [=======   ] 75%

# width defines bar width
# percent defines current percentage
def progress(width, percent):
    marks = math.floor(width * (percent / 100.0))
    spaces = math.floor(width - marks)
    loader = '[' + ('=' * int(marks)) + (' ' * int(spaces)) + ']'
    sys.stdout.write("%s %d%%\r" % (loader, percent))
    if percent >= 100:
# Simulate doing something...
for i in xrange(100):
    progress(50, (i + 1)) # +1 because xrange is only 99
    time.sleep(0.1) # Slow it down for demo

Revision: 22069
at December 30, 2009 19:20 by gdvickery

Updated Code
import sys
import time
import math

# width defines bar width
# percent defines current percentage
def progress(width, percent):
    marks = math.floor(width * (percent / 100.0))
    spaces = math.floor(width - marks)
    loader = '[' + ('=' * int(marks)) + (' ' * int(spaces)) + ']'
    sys.stdout.write("%s %d%%\r" % (loader, percent))
    if percent >= 100:
for i in xrange(100):
    progress(50, (i + 1)) # +1 because xrange is only 99
    time.sleep(0.1) # Slow it down for demo

# Output: [=======   ] 75%

Revision: 22068
at December 30, 2009 19:15 by gdvickery

Initial Code
import sys
import time
import math

def progress(width, percent):
    marks = math.floor(width * (percent / 100.0))
    spaces = math.floor(width - marks)
    loader = '[' + ('=' * int(marks)) + (' ' * int(spaces)) + ']'
    sys.stdout.write("%s %d%%\r" % (loader, percent))
    if percent >= 100:
for i in xrange(100):
    progress(10, (i + 1)) # +1 because xrange is only 99
    time.sleep(0.1) # Slow it down for demo

Initial URL

Initial Description
This is a function that will show a progress bar of the given percentage. Useful when performing time consuming tasks.

Initial Title
Python CLI (Command Line) Progress Bar

Initial Tags

Initial Language