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Revision: 21932
at December 24, 2009 09:43 by ginoplusio

Initial Code
function dayadd($days,$date=null , $format="d/m/Y"){
	//add days to a date function
	return date($format,strtotime($days." days",strtotime( $date ? $date : date($format) )));

function attr($s,$attrname) {
	//get the attribute value of an html tag
	preg_match_all('#\s*('.$attrname.')\s*=\s*["|\']([^"\']*)["|\']\s*#i', $s, $x); 
	if (count($x)>=3) return $x[2][0];
	return "";

function doGoogleMeteo($q,$date) {
	if ($date>dayadd(3,date("Y-m-d"),"Y-m-d"))return "";

	// grab google page with meteo query
	$web_page = file_get_contents( "" . urlencode($q) );

	//parse html to find data, and store them in an array
	preg_match_all('#<div class=e>(.*)</table>#Us', $web_page, $m);
	if (count($m)>0) {
		$p = array();
		preg_match_all('#<img([^>]*)?>#Us', $m[0][0], $img);
		for ($i=0;$i<count($img[0]);$i++) {
			$tag = str_replace("src=\"/","src=\"",$img[0][$i]);
			$p[dayadd($i,date("Y-m-d"),"Y-m-d")]["title"] = attr($tag,"title");
			$p[dayadd($i,date("Y-m-d"),"Y-m-d")]["img"] = attr($tag,"src");
		preg_match_all('#<nobr>(.*)</nobr>#Uis', $m[0][0], $nobr);
		for ($i=0;$i<count($nobr[1]);$i++) {
			$temp= explode("|",$nobr[1][$i]);
			$p[dayadd($i,date("Y-m-d"),"Y-m-d")]["min"] = trim($temp[1]);
			$p[dayadd($i,date("Y-m-d"),"Y-m-d")]["max"] = trim($temp[0]);
		return $p[$date];

	return "nada.";

print_r ( doGoogleMeteo("milano","2009-12-25") );
//Array ( 
// [title] => Rovesci 
// [img] => 
// [min] => -4°C 
// [max] => 7°C 

Initial URL

Initial Description
This is a mini bot I’ve made for meteo that retrieves informations from italian Google servers about weather forecast of a specified city (not only italian cities).

Initial Title
PHP bot for meteo google

Initial Tags

Initial Language