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Revision: 246
at July 6, 2006 05:15 by jonbaer

Updated Code
 * Mail Templates
 * Sends email through a view
 * The templates rendered must have extension .mail
 * Uses:
 * @link
 * @see MailWidgetHelper
 * @author RosSoft
 * @version 0.1
 * @license MIT
 * Usage example:
 * First, edit this file and change the define(’CONFIG_SMTP…
 * with your ISP config.
 * file views/foo/mail_view.mail
        <m:from name=”Miguel Ros” mail=”[email protected]” />
            [email protected]
            [email protected]
        <m:subject> Hi! That is the subject
        This is the plain body text
        This is the HTML <b>Body</b>
        <m:attach path=”/tmp/test1.txt” name=”test_file_1.txt” />
        <m:attach path=”/tmp/test2.txt” />
    File views/foo/mail_view.thtml:
        The mail has been set
    Action in FooController:
        function mail_view()
             $this->render(); //render the mail_view.mail
             $this->render(); //now the mail_view.thtml renders

//Directory within VENDORS/
define(’PHPMAILER_SUBDIR’,'phpmailer’ . DS);     

class MailView extends View
    var $mail=null; //instance of MailAux
    function render($action = null, $layout = null, $file = null)
        $this->mail=& new MailAux;
        $this->controller->mail=& $this->mail;
        if ($action==NULL)
        return $this->mail->send();       

     * Adds a helper to the helpers array for loading it
     * @param string $helper Name of the helper like ‘Javascript’
    function load_helper($helper)
        if (!in_array($helper,$this->helpers))
     * Returns the filename associated with the action
     * with the extension “.$ext”
     * @param string $action If null, then current action
     * @param string $ext Extension of the view template (with dot) Example: ‘.xml’
     * @return string
    function get_filename($action,$ext)
        return $fn;

 * This object is the interface between MailView and MailWidgetHelper
class MailAux extends Object
    var $charset=’utf-8′;
    var $from_mail=null;
    var $from_name='’;
    var $to=array();
    var $subject='’;
    var $body_text=null;
    var $body_html=null;   
    var $attachments=array();

     * SMTP Configuration
    var $host=CONFIG_SMTP_HOST;
    var $username=CONFIG_SMTP_USER;
    var $password=CONFIG_SMTP_PASS;

     * It contains mailer error message or false if no
     * error has occurred
    var $error=false;
    function send()
        vendor(PHPMAILER_SUBDIR. ‘class.phpmailer’);
        $mail = new PHPMailer();
        $mail->PluginDir = VENDORS .PHPMAILER_SUBDIR ;
        $mail->SetLanguage(’en’,VENDORS .PHPMAILER_SUBDIR . ‘language’ . DS);
        $mail->CharSet= $this->charset;       
        $mail->IsSMTP();                  // send via SMTP
        $mail->Host     = $this->host; // SMTP servers
        if ($this->username !==null)
            $mail->SMTPAuth = true;     // turn on SMTP authentication
            $mail->Username = $this->username;  // SMTP username
            $mail->Password = $this->password; // SMTP password           
        $mail->From = $this->from_mail;   
        $mail->FromName = $this->from_name;
        foreach ($this->to as $address)
        $mail->Subject  =  $this->subject;
        if ($this->body_html)
            $mail->IsHTML(true); // send as HTML       
            $mail->Body     =  $this->body_html;
            $mail->AltBody  =  $this->body_text;
            $mail->Body        =  $this->body_text;
        //$mail->WordWrap = 50;                              // set word wrap
        foreach ($this->attachments as $attach)
        if (! $mail->Send())
            $this->log(’Mail send:’ . $mail->ErrorInfo);
            return false;           
            return true;

Copy to app/views/helpers/mail_widget.php

 * MailWidgetHelper
 * For usage with MailView
 * @author RosSoft
 * @version 0.1
 * @license MIT
class MailWidgetHelper extends WidgetHelper
    var $tag=array(    ‘m:from’,

     * m:from (Mail From)
     * $attr[’mail’] Mail
     * $attr[’name’] Name (optional)
    function tag_m_from($attr,$inner_html)

     * m:to (Mail To)
     * $inner_html Destination address
    function tag_m_to($attr,$inner_html)
     * m:subject (Mail Subject)
     * $inner_html The subject
    function tag_m_subject($attr,$inner_html)
     * m:body_text  Body in plain text
     * $inner_html The body
     function tag_m_body_text($attr,$inner_html)

     * m:body_html Body in html text
     * $inner_html The body
     function tag_m_body_html($attr,$inner_html)

     * m:attach Adds an attachment
     * $attr[’path’] The path of the file
     * $attr[’name’] Overrides the attachment name
     * $attr[’type’] MIME type
     function tag_m_attach($attr,$inner_html)
         $name=($attr[’name’])? $attr[’name’] : ‘’;
         $type=($attr[’type’])? $attr[’type’] : ‘application/octet-stream’;
         $this->view->mail->attachments[]=array(    ‘path’=>$path,

      * Removes the spaces, tabs, newlines from
      * the beginning and ending of the string
      * @param string $string
      * @return string
     function _trim($string)
         return $matches[1];        


Revision: 245
at July 6, 2006 05:14 by jonbaer

Initial Code

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
CakePHP - Mail view through widget helper

Initial Tags
email, php, textmate, cakephp

Initial Language