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Revision: 21474
at December 14, 2009 13:19 by rvachere

Updated Code
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	* ArrayQueue Class - Designed to give generic functionality to a queue collection type.         *
	* This collection is to be implemented in a FIFO principles. With adding, removing, searching,  *
	* trace output, and state functions of the collection.                                          *
	* @author : Richard Vacheresse /|\ /|\                               *
	* Licensed for free Commercial and Private use creative commons license agreement.              *
	* The provided code is in an "as-is" state. Richard Vacheresse makes no warranties              *
	* regarding the provided code, and disclaims liability for damages resulting from its use.      *
	* @version 1.0                                                                                  *
	public class ArrayQueue extends Sprite implements QueueADT
		//- default capapcity of queue
		private var DEFAULT_CAPACITY:int = 100;
		//- indicates the value of the last
		private var rear:int;
		//- array object to hold the objects
		private var queue:Array;
		* ArrayQueue() Constructor - Creates an empty queue using the default capacity.
		* @variable - DEFAULT_CAPACITY - The default value for the queue's capacity.
		* @variable - rear - Indicates the value of the last object + one as an Integer object.
		* @variable - queue - The container object that will hold the objects of type array.
		public function ArrayQueue():void
			//- set rear to 0 since the queue is empty 
			rear = 0;
			// - instantiate a new array object at the default capacity of 100
			queue = new Array(DEFAULT_CAPACITY);
			//- output to console
			trace("New ArrayQueue Created At Default Capacity");
		* ArrayQueueDefined(queueSize:int) function - Creates an empty queue using the passed in value. 
		public function ArrayQueueDefined(queueSize:int):void
			//- set rear to 0 since the queue is empty 
			rear = 0;
			// - instantiate a new array object at the passed value size
			queue = new Array(queueSize);
			//- output to console
			trace("New ArrayQueue Created At: " + queueSize);
		 * dequeue() function - Removes the first item in the queue.
		 *                    - Then shifts the queue minus the removed object
		 *                    - Decrement rear to reflect minus one object.
		 * @return - Object
		public function dequeue():Object
			//- if the collection is empty throw an error
				throw new Error("Queue contains no objects");
			//- else remove the object at the first position
			var result:Object = queue[0];
			//- decrement the rear by one
			//- shift the elements forward one position
			for(var scan:int = 0; scan < rear; scan++)
				queue[scan] = queue[scan+1];
			//- set the rear null again to null
			queue[rear] = null;
			//- output to console
			trace("Item " + result + " dequeued.");
			//- return the first objec in the array
			return result;
		* enqueue(obj:Object) function - Takes the passed object and adds it to the
		*                                rear indicated position.
		*                              - Increment the rear value + one to reflect
		*                                the additional object.
		public function enqueue(obj:Object):void
			queue[rear] = obj;
		* first() function - Returns the first object in the queue but does not remove it.
		* @return - Object
		public function first():Object
			var result:Object = "null";
				throw new Error("The queue is empty");
			//- set result pointer equal to first item but do not remove
			result = queue[0];
			//- output to console
			trace("Item " + queue[0] + " is next.");
			return result;
		* size() function - Returns the number of objects in the queue.
		* @return - Integer Object 
		public function size():int
			return rear;
		* getLength() accessor function - Returns an integer value of the length of the queue.
		* @return - Integer Object
		public function getLength():int
			return queue.length;
		* isEmpty() function - Returns True if the value of rear is equal to zero.
		* @return - Boolean Object
		public function isEmpty():Boolean
			return (rear == 0);
		* expandCapacity() function - Creates a new array of twice the size of the current
		*                             array queue.
		*                           - Then it repopulates the new larger Array with the
		*                             original values.
		public function expandCapacity():void
			var result:int = (queue.length*2);
			var larger:Array = new Array(result);
			for(var scan:int = 0; scan < queue.length; scan++)
				larger[scan] = queue[scan];
			queue = larger;
		* toString():String function - Returns a custom String object to represent the queue.
		*                            - Overriden only because it is of type Sprite, (which has
		*                              by default its' own toString() function), therefore we
		*                              need more information about the queue.
		* @return - String Object
		override public function toString():String
			var result:String = ("------------------\n" +
								 "Queue toString()\n" +
			 	  				 "------------------\n" +
								 "Queue has " + size() + " items.\n");
			for(var scan:int = 0; scan < rear; scan++)
				result += ("Item: " + scan + " is a: " + queue[scan] + "\n");
			return result;

Revision: 21473
at December 14, 2009 13:01 by rvachere

Initial Code
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	* ArrayQueue Class - Designed to give generic functionality to a queue collection type.			*
	* This collection is to be implemented in a FIFO principles. With adding, removing, searching, 	*
	* trace output, and state functions of the collection.											*
	* @author : Richard Vacheresse /| /|								*
	* Licensed for free Commercial and Private use creative commons license agreement.				*
	* The provided code is in an "as-is" state. Richard Vacheresse makes no warranties				*
	* regarding the provided code, and disclaims liability for damages resulting from its use.		*
	* @version 1.0																					*
	public class ArrayQueue extends Sprite implements QueueADT
		//- default capapcity of queue
		private var DEFAULT_CAPACITY:int = 100;
		//- indicates the value of the last
		private var rear:int;
		//- array object to hold the objects
		private var queue:Array;
		* ArrayQueue() Constructor - Creates an empty queue using the default capacity.
		* @variable - DEFAULT_CAPACITY - The default value for the queue's capacity.
		* @variable - rear - Indicates the value of the last object + one as an Integer object.
		* @variable - queue - The container object that will hold the objects of type array.
		public function ArrayQueue():void
			//- set rear to 0 since the queue is empty 
			rear = 0;
			// - instantiate a new array object at the default capacity of 100
			queue = new Array(DEFAULT_CAPACITY);
			//- output to console
			trace("New ArrayQueue Created At Default Capacity");
		* ArrayQueueDefined(queueSize:int) function - Creates an empty queue using the passed in value. 
		public function ArrayQueueDefined(queueSize:int):void
			//- set rear to 0 since the queue is empty 
			rear = 0;
			// - instantiate a new array object at the passed value size
			queue = new Array(queueSize);
			//- output to console
			trace("New ArrayQueue Created At: " + queueSize);
		 * dequeue() function - Removes the first item in the queue.
		 * 					  - Then shifts the queue minus the removed object
		 * 					  - Decrement rear to reflect minus one object.
		 * @return - Object
		public function dequeue():Object
			//- if the collection is empty throw an error
				throw new Error("Queue contains no objects");
			//- else remove the object at the first position
			var result:Object = queue[0];
			//- decrement the rear by one
			//- shift the elements forward one position
			for(var scan:int = 0; scan < rear; scan++)
				queue[scan] = queue[scan+1];
			//- set the rear null again to null
			queue[rear] = null;
			//- output to console
			trace("Item " + result + " dequeued.");
			//- return the first objec in the array
			return result;
		* enqueue(obj:Object) function - Takes the passed object and adds it to the
		*							     rear indicated position.
		*					  		   - Increment the rear value + one to reflect
		* 								 the additional object.
		public function enqueue(obj:Object):void
			queue[rear] = obj;
		* first() function - Returns the first object in the queue but does not remove it.
		* @return - Object
		public function first():Object
			var result:Object = "null";
				throw new Error("The queue is empty");
			//- set result pointer equal to first item but do not remove
			result = queue[0];
			//- output to console
			trace("Item " + queue[0] + " is next.");
			return result;
		* size() function - Returns the number of objects in the queue.
		* @return - Integer Object 
		public function size():int
			return rear;
		* getLength() accessor function - Returns an integer value of the length of the queue.
		* @return - Integer Object
		public function getLength():int
			return queue.length;
		* isEmpty() function - Returns True if the value of rear is equal to zero.
		* @return - Boolean Object
		public function isEmpty():Boolean
			return (rear == 0);
		* expandCapacity() function - Creates a new array of twice the size of the current
		* 							  array queue.
		*							- Then it repopulates the new larger Array with the
		*							  original values.
		public function expandCapacity():void
			var result:int = (queue.length*2);
			var larger:Array = new Array(result);
			for(var scan:int = 0; scan < queue.length; scan++)
				larger[scan] = queue[scan];
			queue = larger;
		* toString():String function - Returns a custom String object to represent the queue.
		*							 - Overriden only because it is of type Sprite, (which has
		*							   by default its' own toString() function), therefore we
		*							   need more information about the queue.
		* @return - String Object
		override public function toString():String
			var result:String = ("------------------n" +
								 "Queue toString()n" +
			 	  				 "------------------n" +
								 "Queue has " + size() + " items.n");
			for(var scan:int = 0; scan < rear; scan++)
				result += ("Item: " + scan + " is a: " + queue[scan] + "n");
			return result;

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
AS3 ArrayQueue ADT Class

Initial Tags
data, textmate, actionscript, array

Initial Language
ActionScript 3