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Revision: 21313
at November 17, 2010 06:40 by blackthorne

Updated Code
Let's say you want to get all lines from 4 to 10 in the file /etc/passwd: 
sed -n '4,10p' /etc/passwd

head -n 10 /etc/passwd | tail -n 6
FIRST_LINE=4; LAST_LINE=10; head -n $LAST_LINE /etc/passwd |tail -n `echo "$LAST_LINE - $FIRST_LINE"|bc`

Revision: 21312
at December 10, 2009 08:45 by blackthorne

Initial Code
Let's say you want to get all lines from 4 to 10 in the file /etc/passwd: 
sed -n '4,10p' /etc/passwd

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Display a range of lines in a specified file

Initial Tags

Initial Language